Chapter 4

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{Mandy's POV}

After Louis and Eliza kissed and we all went "AWWWWWWWW!!!", we ate dinner and then decided to go play laser tag. We split up into teams of 2: Louis with Eliza, Harry with Alice, Liam with Lily,and  Niall with Leah which left me with Zayn. Sweet sweet Zayn.

I had to admit, I was falling for this boy. Hard. I just wondered if he felt the same about me. Hopefully he did because if he didn't then I would be really upset. 

We drove up to this place called Laser Blaze and got outside, Louis and Lily running to the doors followed by Eliza and Liam. We quickly payed and then waited for our game to start. 

When it was time, we all went into the room and listened to the instructions which we had all heard about a billion times. We were the first to run in and grab our vests and run into the arena. Zayn and I had chosen the color red because it was like in our words "Amazayn".

The started shortly and Zayn and I racked up the points, being the ninjas we are. You could here the shouts of Louis and Lily who were having a duel. 

"Okay, so plan is round the corner and shoot this person down and then run up to the tower so we can over look everything. Got it?" Zayn told me. 

I nodded my head in agreement and we were off. 

As soon as we got in the tower, we could see everything. Zayn was telling me our strategy, but I wasn't really listening, I was too lost in his features. His black hair was flopping everywhich way and his mocha orbs were lit up. 

"GAME OVER!!" We heard a voice shout in the over head and we all retreated back to the main area. Our next game didn't start for another 20 minutes so we decided to go to a balcony where you could watch other people play. 

Liam and Lily were cuddling in a corner. Leah and Niall were making out. Alice and Harry were laughing at something and Louis and Eliza were doing who knows what. Zayn and I decided to sit down and talk. 

"So what's your favorite color?" Zayn asked. 

"What kind of question is that?" I asked with a laugh.

"I just wanted to know." He said sheepishly. 

"Well if you insist, my favorite color is red." 

"Cool, favorite food?" 


"Favorite song?" 

"Gotta be you by One Direction." I blurted out. I quickly realized what I said and slapped my hand over my mouth. 

He laughed." That's cute." I blushed a deep crimson shade and looked away. 

"Don't be embarrased, I find it quite adorable." 

"You do?" 


He leaned in to kiss me and we found ourselves inching closer and closer....

But that was when we heard the scream. 

A/N: I know this is really short but I just had to write something for you! (: I hope you like it, there will probably not be another chapter until sometime next week. I am not going to be near a computer the whole week, sorry ): That's Mandy somewhere over there (: Have a great rest of the week (: 

Moments with you: One Direction Fan FictionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя