Fast Revenge

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Maryse: I'm sure you know what I'm talking bout AJ. Let's not act like our brains don't work here. *rolls eyes and frowns* .

AJ: Not acting like my brain doesn't work Maryse. I know the reason you are here right now in front of my face, talking to me about what happened earlier today with Summer right? * stares at Maryse with a distinct look on her face* Why is that any of your business ? Oh I know cause you have nothing else to worry about. You run your mouth about your husband The Miz but yet you wanna put him to the side for Summer. Wow Maryse some wife you are.

Maryse: *puts hands in AJ face* See that's where your short crazy ass is wrong at. I've always cared for Summer just as much as I care about my husband The Miz. So know your fuckin facts before you go lying and making false ass statements about me. What you did to Summer earlier was uncaused for. Leaving a bruise on her face the way you did was not okay with me. Your gonna pay for what you did to Summer AJ.

AJ: Lmfao. Mkay Maryse what is it that your gonna do to me? *Looks up and pokes lips out* Exactly not a damn thing. If Summer had of kept her comments to herself about me losing to that gothic bitch Paige she wouldn't have gotten her eye swollen the way she did. But apparently Summer don't know what that means. I was cheating in that match with Paige and when I get a rematch for the Diva's Championship.

Maryse: Oh, please AJ Lee nobody gives a flying fuck bout you chasing the Diva's Championship. You deserved what you had coming to you. Clearly you didn't beat the odds at WrestleMania, you cheated the odds to retain the Diva's Title. If you are good as you say you is than why don't you start showing it. I forgot you cant cause your no longer the champion anymore. Your reign ended at 295 days, There is no way you gonna regain back your confident after what Paige did to you on Monday Night Raw. Its over for you but I'm gonna tell you this, the next time you hit Summer and hit her in the eye. Me and you are gonna have a fight. No ifs or buts. You got it AJ.

AJ: Hmm, yea I got it Maryse just make sure that Summer doesn't make it a next time. Than she want have a eye injury. *Frowns up at you*

Maryse: Your saying yea now but I'm not playing with your ass AJ. Think its a game and I promise you, you want make it to your next championship rematch with Paige.

AJ: If you get anywhere near my championship recall Maryse, I will permanently have you and Summer gone from this business. I suggest you get it through your damn head that I aint normal. I'm a psycho as hell so don't think you cant get destroyed by me. * gives Maryse the crazy eye*.

Maryse: * Rolls eyes and puts hands in AJ face trying to walk off* What the fuck ever AJ. We shall see what you are gonna do to the French Canadian Maryse.

AJ: * walks fast up behind Maryse and Pulls her hair, slamming her down on the ground and punches her in the face multiple times before referee pulls her off Maryse*. Keep trying me maryse and I can show you better than I can tell you. p skips away to the limbo to head to the next city.*

Maryse:* holds mouth and moves referee's hands out her way* I'm fine ok. Get off I'm good. The next time I see that skipping nerd bitch, she is going to get it. And that's on everything. * eats up stilling holding her face looking at AJ limbo leaving.


Paige backstage Interview with Renee


Renee: Please, welcome my guest at this time. She is the new Wwe Diva's Champion Paige.

Paige: Very lovely intro you just gave for me Renee.

Renee: It is with pleasure. So Paige I just want to get your thoughts on stopping AJ Lee's title reign on Monday Night Raw. Did you ever think that you would have been champion as soon as you was at just debuting on the main roster.

Paige: Actually Renee it wasn't my plan to beat AJ on Monday night Raw. I told AJ way before that I wasn't ready and yet she still wanting to compete against me. I just wanted to congratulate her on winning at Wrestlemania but than I realize me being nice to AJ wasn't a good idea. But she didn't want to listen to me.
Renee: Speaking on your title reclause against AJ is there anything that you would like to say to AJ or to the universe.
Paige: AJ if your watching or listening I know I stop your reign on Monday night Raw. But I'm here to make a change. Something that you didn't do as a champion. I'm here to prove why I deserve to be here. And why I'm here to stay. So AJ the next time I see you in the ring for this I will prove to you again why I deserve this and to be here. *blows kiss to the camera and walks off.*

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