Paige Backstage Interview

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Paige Interview with Cole Pov*

Michael Cole: Please welcome my guest at this time your newest WWE Diva's Champion Paige.

Paige: Thank you for that incredible intro Cole. I'm glad to be here today.

Michael Cole: With pleasure. Now Paige lets talk about your big win last week on Raw. How did you feel defeating the longest reigning Diva's Champion AJ Lee?

Paige: To be quite honest with you Cole, I didn't think I would be in this position at just 21. But I don't want anyone to underestimate me just cause of my age. AJ knew I wasn't ready for a fight. I did what no other superstar would have done. And that was to congratulate her on her big win at Wrestlemania. I now have a target on me. They all want what I have and that includes AJ herself,and I get it they all wanted it but I promise you *shakes head with a serious look* They want take it off me. *Paige than laughs sarcastically*

Michael Cole: Paige you have continued to still be successful at the age that you are today.You sound pretty confident in a way can you kinda explain why is it that you feel it's impossible for anyone to beat you for your Diva's Title.

Paige: I'm very confident Cole but I'm also a bit petrified at half of the division, due to the fact every single one of them back there want a shot at my Title. Every time I step foot in the WWE ring I feel confident's. Do I think there's anyone at the back today who can beat me most definitely.

Michael Cole: As you make you way in a rematch against AJ pretty soon, Do you see yourself doing the exact same thing you did to her on Raw last week?

Paige: Yes Cole I do. You see the difference between AJ and myself she can't accept the fact she is no longer the Diva's Champion anymore. I ended her 295 day reign the night after Wrestlemania. She had a tantrum in the ring about it and even went backstage throwing things. Screaming with madness of the fact that I become the WWE Universe Diva's Champion.

Michael Cole: Recently after Raw went off air, word got in that AJ was send attacking you. Just minutes from you heading to leave the arena. Is there anything else that you would like to say to AJ Lee for her actions against you, the night Raw went off.

Paige: * she takes a deep breath while looking down and looks back up at Cole* AJ if your watching this interview I want you to know you didn't get to me. By attacking me out of nowhere. Your crazy, disgusting, humiliating, psycho path anything that comes to my mind that's what you are. You cant stand the fact that I have what you want back and that is my bloody Diva's Championship. When I took the time to congrat you last week you slap me than put your title, aka my title on the line for Post Pone Wrestlemania treat. AJ you got cocky bout it and I ended you in the middle of that ring on your back. I don't mind doing that again once more. I'm the Diva's Champion whether you believe it or not. This is my house!

Michael Cole: Any last thoughts or words that you would like to say about AJ Lee?

Paige: You better watch your back AJ cause I'm coming for you. * she frowns up her nose at Cole as the cameras roll off and she gets up from the chair grabbing her title, before being stopped by Brie*

Brie: Well, well, well if it isn't the Anti- Diva Paige herself.

Paige: Not now Brie got to much I'm dealing with right now and I'm not up for you or your sista twin magic.

Brie: Umm there want be any of that going on Paige. Besides me and my sister Nikki don't have the patience to add on to you and AJ mess. So we think it's best we wait our turn. Than to have an inference and make things as worse as it already seems.

Paige: A turn? At what my title? please Brie get over it. Not you or your sista Nikki have what it takes to take this off me.

Brie: *gets into Paige face laughing dramatically* That's what you think Paige. Before you even came on the roster me and Nikki have made more accomplished as champions and superstars. Ofc my reign was a bit longer than Nikki's but you can read between the lines right? * laughs with pettiness and gets closer into Paige face* Yea I thought so. * Brie bumped into Paige and walks away from  her heading into the Catering room area to find Nikki*

Paige: * she gets upset and screams storming into Mr. McMahon's office* VINCE KENNEDY MCMAHON!

Vince: Umm that's Boss man to you. Don't you ever call me by my full name Paige. That is not acceptable here in WWE.

Paige: Sorry Boss man but I'm so sick of AJ and the Bella's. Did you hear what AJ did to me at the end of Raw?

Vince: Yes I did Paige and I'm going to actually be setting up a meeting with you and AJ to discuss the upcoming rematch clause for the Diva's Champion.

Paige: I get that you are in charge Boss man but I refuse to sit or be in the same room as her. She attacked me out of nowhere and she needs to be punished for it. Now as for the Bella twins I want Brie next week on Raw and her sista Nikki banned from ring side.

Vince: I always liked the way you think Paige. You bring so much into this business like no other superstar has ever did in this business before. Success is the key, but I tell you what Paige I will have security in the room doing the meeting with you and AJ. To avoid AJ making any attempt to attack you. As far as the match with Brie Bella goes and Nikki being banned will indeed happen next Monday on Raw.

Paige: Thank you Boss man. *she nods her head up and down while leaving his office with her title in her hand*

Vince: Much Welcome Paige * he said while closing his office door*


Too Be Continued...

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