Meeting With The Bossman

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Since the last time Paige spoke to the Boss man she made arrangements that she has a match with Brie Bella on Raw with Nikki banned from ringside and that AJ will be punished for her vicious attacks she did to her after Monday night Raw went off air. Paige is still pissed off for how ignorant the Bella's where being towards her. That is something she want get over until she gets her hands on Brie Bella next Monday on Raw. As Paige was making her way to Mr. McMahon office she stopped to speak to her friend Alicia Fox.

Paige: Wassup, Alicia girl.

Alicia: Hey gurly! I heard what AJ did to you after Raw went off air. How you feeling as of now?

Paige: Feeling mad about it still. I just don't get why she want accept the fact I'm the new Diva's champion and she no longer is champion. It's like she plays 4 different characters or something.

Alicia: You think? I mean come on Paige, where talking about psycho path AJ lee. The girl is bi polar asf. Ofc she is gonna have these multiple personalities that she surprisingly cant control right now. But who cares about that tbh. Who even knows how this meeting is going to go with you and AJ in the same.

Paige: Yea, your right. Seriously I hope that Mr. McMahon has security in there like he said the last time I spoke to him. I refused to let that crazy bitch attack me again like she did last Monday. But only time will tell let me head to his office. Catch up with you later Alicia.

Alicia: Okey Paige gurl. Have fun!

As paige walked away from Alicia she knocked on Mr. McMahon while turning the doorknob to his office and walking in slowly.

Paige: I'm here for the meeting you wanted to have with me and AJ.

Mr. McMahon: Yes Paige, please come in and have a seat. Glad that you showed up for this meeting. Want be a long meeting but we will get any necessary needs across.

Paige: Lets get to it. I guess crazy AJ isn't gonna show up today.

Mr. McMahon: From the looks of it doesn't seem like she will. I sent her an email to remind her about it. She has yet even tempt to check it and reply back. We will get her some time. Hopefully she arrives here in the next five minutes or so.

Paige: No one has time to wait for her ass. She knew about this meeting before hand. So therefore she should have already been here ready.

Mr. McMahon: That I do agree with Paige. Your Absolutely right.

AJ: * Aj opens the office door to Mr. McMahon office and walks in with a smile on her face as she takes her sit* So sorry that I'm a tap late was stuck in a rough long traffic.

Paige: Hmm, Sure you where AJ. No one has All day for your bullshit.

AJ: First of all Paige I don't think I was talking to you. So don't start with me unless you know what's good for you.

Mr. McMahon: Alright, Aj want be any of that today but I will like to know and I'm sure Paige wants to know the same thing as well. What was going through your head when you did that?

AJ: I never attacked Paige from behind. Why is everyone keep saying that.

Paige: Bitch you know damn well you attack me the night on Monday Raw after it went off air. You slammed my head on my limbo door.

AJ: The only bitch in this room is you. For you to think I actually attacked you is so crazy Paige. Is this how you run your personal meetings Mr. Boss man? Cause if so this is not ok. if there is any proof of me attacking Paige I will like to see it.

Mr.McMahon: That want be necessary AJ cause I saw you attack Paige from behind on camera. So lying like you never did anything to her is really not going to get me to believe you.

Paige: You should have confessed you did it AJ.

AJ: Whatever believe what you want. You want even show me proof so what make you think I believe a word your even saying to me. As for you Paige I will enjoy beating the hell out of your ass, when I take back my title from you.

Paige: Oh Really? AJ is that so. You want ever beat me AJ so keep dreaming pumpkin. I should have done what no other diva thought of and that's ending your fuckin crazy bitch.

AJ: You don't have what it takes to end my career Paige. You and I both know how crazy I can be. I don't think you wanna test my patients.

Paige: You of all people wanna talk about patients AJ. When you rather attack me from behind instead of being a woman about it and handle the situation woman to woman. This meeting would have never came about.

AJ: Yea, cause like you and every one else Paige you went and snitched like a sorry a bitch that you are. So you can suck up to the Boss and get me put out of my title match.

Paige: AJ please.

Mr.McMahon: I tell you what is gonna happen as of right now. AJ based on your actions from attacking Paige on after Raw went off air, tomorrow tonight you will be in ring action against Eva Marie.

AJ: Are you kidding me? You know what it doesn't even matter. I gonna destroy that little red head bitch so I hope your proud about the decision you just made boss man.

Mr. McMahon: I'm very proud of it AJ. Now meeting is over so you got ten minutes to get ready for your match with Eva. Paige would like letting Eva know her match is next for me.

Paige: It will be a pleasure Mr. McMahon and this meeting went well don't you think. * she gets up and skips speedily to the door opening it while looking back at AJ* Have fun beating Eva AJ. I highly doubt you will win. *Paige said as she laughed skipping out Mr.McMahon office and heading towards Eva Marie*

Meanwhile back in the boss man office.

AJ: She hasn't seen the last of me. Paige thinks this is over. I'm still gonna get her for the shit she did.

Mr. McMahon: And what exactly did she do Aj?

AJ: Don't Worry bout it Bossman. Just watch and learn from the best superstar in Wwe history. * she gets up and turns slowly sipping patiently out his office.

Mr. McMahon: Whatever it is I hope she doesn't do or try anything stupid.


Renee Young: Please welcome my guess at this time AJ Lee.

AJ: *skips next to renee and flips hair*

Renee Young: AJ despise on what has happen between you and Paige through the weeks, What exactly is your next move? besides you getting back your Diva's Champion.

AJ: Renee, Renee, Renee. See this is what I don't get with Paige. She thinks that I attacked her after Raw went of air when clearly I never laid my hands on her. But since she wants to lie on me and get the Bossman himself to agree. The next time I see Paige. I'm not just gonna beat her ass *shakes head and makes crazy face* I'm going to end her career. *skips away from Renee*

Renee Young: Well you hear it from AJ Lee herself, until than join us next time on Backstage news. I'm Renee Young. * camera cuts off and walks to the lunch room to eat*

Aj & Paige: Enemies By ChoiceOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant