13: Hard Kickball

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Tuesday. Which means its P.E today. Were a little short period on time cause we have practice. Practice for like our foundation.

"Thats my apple Em! Give it!" Alexandra shouted. Alexanda lovess apples. When Emerald runs away with it she would chase her just for an apple.

"Catch me first!" Em said and ran. Alexandra stood up and walked to Em. Wews she's slow.

"Man Lex! You're slow." I said laughing. Emerald ran again biting the apple. And Lex followed slowly. Emerald ran and ran till Lex quitted.

"I quit!" She says before she gets to her seat she slips. She stepped on a notebook. And her prince charming saved her.

Emerald walked beside me and nudged me raising her eyebrows. I nodded.

"T-thanks Ashton!" Alexandra said. Awwwwww. She gets up from his arms and dusted her clothes. Germs?

"No problem Lex! Any time!" He smiles at Alexandra. She smiled back. Cute.

"ALEX!" Someone shouted. It was Bliss.

"WHAT?!" Alex shouted.

"Come with me to the bathroom." Alex rolled her eyes. But came with her. Time! I walked to Ashton and tapped him.

"Ello! Can we talk?"


We sit down on the floor.

"Do youuuu like Alexandra?" I had to!

"Um..?" Innocent *coughs* not *coughs*

"C'mon dude! Its obvious!" Em says.

"Yup the smile, being hero, saying hi to us then to her!" I said.

"Being a hero was just catching her before she falls."

"But she already fell!" I said. In his eyes were worry.


"For you!" Me and Em said at the same time.

"I- uh.." He blushes.

"C'mon admit it already, I mean if you do we can sort of sense it already." I said chuckling.

"Yup." Em says.

"Ok. I like her. She's nice. She's just an amazing girl." He says smiling.

"But I'm sure she doesn't like me as much as she loves Greyson.." He says quietly.

"Its alright. I mean she stuttered so?"

"Does that mean she likes me?" He says his eyes filled with hope.

We shrug. He sighs but smiles.

"Well thats ok! As long as were friends were good!.. Or more..." He mumbles the last part quietly. But I heard it.

"It ok mate!" I said as he walk away.

"Thanks!" He says and talks to Hiro and Kai.

"Well that was cute." I said and sat on the floor again. Em sat with me.

"I guess its good to steal apples from Alex." She says laughing.

"Do whatever you want." I said.

"Speak of the devil!" Em shouts. Alex ans Bliss were back.

"Yup! What did y'all talk about?" Me and Em look at each other.

"Not much really." I said shrugging.

{ skip cuz idk what to write! }

KICKBALL time! I DON'T KNOW HOW TO PLAY! I'm in Group2 with Bliss, Hiro, Raziel, Martina, Psyonix,
Ash and other boys.

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