32: Safe and Secrets

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As the door bursted open we immediately pull the girls.

"Sh--..."Hailee said out of breathe.

"That was too damn close!" Alexandra said. Both of them were breathing heavily. I mean it was really too close. They could've got caught.

"You got the files?" Raziel asked.

"Here." Hailee hands it to us.

"Ok we got to go like now." I say and we all nod. We went down silently.

"Why are you kids here?" Someone said.

"Uh.. Uh w-were from M-mystic." Hiro said nervously.

"We were not expecting transferred students." He said sternly. Hiro spots us and the man looks at us.

"You kid don't belong here." He was about to reach for the phone thing when Hailee threw a card in the direction. The card pinned his sleeve to the wall. We all look at Hailee.

"We have to go." She said and ran.

"GUARDS!" The man said. We all ran. Guards were coming near Hailee. They eventually grab a chunk of her hair.



My bully, Heather was teasing me. I kept walking away but she keeps on grabbing my shirt. I ran faster and she pulled my hair.

End of flashback

THE SHUCKING GUARD! I grabbed his hand and slammed it away. I ran fast but then guards surrounded us. We were in a hall. All of us were trapped. More guards were coming are way. Trapped.

"Alex water the floor." She nods. Water filled their direction.

"Em, flame it." She nods as well. Smoke came and they couldn't see.

"Lets go!"

"How?! Were trapped!" Kai said. I grabbed a card and laid it on the floor.

"What the shuck?!" Lex asked/shouted.

"We don't have much time!" I jumped into the card.



"Now or never." Hiro said and followed.

"Hurry guys that card is gonna explode! Its a teleporter/ memory wipe!" Hailee shouted from the card.

Raziel followed then Kai. Then Em.

"Hurry Lex!" I sighed and jumped in.

"Ah!" And we were on the ground.  I fell.

"What took you long?" They asked.

"I don't know." I said.

"Where are we?" Raziel asked.

"Probably somehwhere not Madaigon." Hailee said.

"Its looks like were in a basement."
Hiro suddenly said.

"Why so?" We asked.

"Em can you light a fire?" Hiro said and Em nodded. She made a fire out of her hands.

We followed Hiro.

"More like an underground basement." Hailee said examining the picture frames. This place is dusty.

"Guys look." Raziel said. We followed him.

"Its a picture of two guys." Raziel said. It was. There were two guys. One guy had an arm over the guys shoulder and the other one had a thumbs up.

"Twins." Em said. Em and Hailee looked at each other. HAHA MAH SHIP! (😂)

"'JD Founders'" Hailee said. JD?

"What do they mean by founders?" Kai asked.

"Ah!" Hiro shouted. We all laughed. We followed him.

"Never thought you were a girl." Hailee said laughing.

"Oh shut up." Hiro said.

"What did you hit?" Em asked.

"Some sort of table I guess."

"More like a teacher's desk." Hailee said. Detective Hailee on the case! 😂

We opened up the cabinets. A bunch of paper and old grades.

"Lets split up. This basement might be useful." Hailee said and we nod.

I started searching the basement. It was just full of dust and old picture frames in different sizes. Then I saw a broken one.

"Uh guys.." I said. They went to me.

"Its broken." I reached for the frame and it was snatched.

"Ah!" I shouted. Hailee held my arm.

"Lets go." We went through the card again. We were back in Madaigon.

"Long... Day.." Raziel said.

"I think we should go back in the classroom." Its lunch time.

We nodded and went to the classroom. We gave teacher Jamaica the files. She asked what happened and we told her we almost got caught. She said sorry for making us go through that crap. We said it was ok. I mean we got to hear Hiro shout.

Finally. No scary things. No guards. Just school.



I went home at 4:00. Cause we had to do our projects and seatworks. I also did my homework. Mom looked at me angrily.

"You're late again. What did you do now?" She asked. I sighed.

"Teacher made us go to Largon." She rolled her eyes.

"Lying to me is not a good attitude Hailee!" She said raising her tone.

"I'm not lying to you..."

"Want me to believe that your teacher made you go to another school?" She said.

"Whatever. Just go to your room."

Like I always do.

A/n: ive got nothing to say sorry😂😂 but um working on Good and Bad so😂 have fun!😂

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