40: Favors

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"Sir, we have reports of 6 students entering Largon without a confirmed permission from Mystic."

"Who led them?"

"A girl with-" I cut him off.

"Blue, red and purple hair?" He nodded. Well. Surprised she even made it alive and her friends. What a sneaky little girl. She's clever at least to even make a plan at such an envolving situation.

"Hailee MildHat." She appeared in my blue vision ball. She's laughing.

"Who is she?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I asked smirking. Hailee is very popular! Not to mention her father being a complete idiot by summing that card. Though he was still smart. Well, no one seems to find him now so that's not my problem at all. Hailee's just like her father anyway. Clever. Smart. Sarcastic. If she summons the card her father use I will-

"Hailee again?" Castle asked stepping in my office.

"She entered the school." He nodded.

"Why are you not... Interested?" He sighs.

"Please I-uh... Don't make her suffer through this. She has a full power and she knows how to use it. She'll do anything just to protect her friends and herself. She has her own rules. She has her own techniques. I'd know. We fought. She used her skills to win over me. If I were you I'd end this plan and just take another student that's not Hailee." I'm surprised. At first, he was so intimidated with the idea of the girl and wanted to take her out for good. Now he's giving up. What a shame.

"Well then you're done." He looked up at me confused. 

"What do you mean done?"

"Done for being my servant. Now get out of my office and get Caleb's twin for me." He stood up.

"I'm done being your servant right? You get Carly yourself." He said and walked out. Well ok. I pressed the button that connects to the schools speakers.

"Calling Carly Espinosa."


"Calling Carly Espinosa." Principal said.

"Girls I'll be right back." They nodded and I headed to his office. I knocked on the door and it opened itself.

"Please, come in." I gulped and sat in one of the chairs. Is this about my grades? Or me being late cause of my stupid brother? Sorry Cale.

"This is not about that Ms. Espinosa." Of course he red my mind. He laughs mildly.

"Do you know anything about Hailee MildHat?" I sighed in relief. Hailee? Isn't that what Castle was talking about taking her into Largon? I blocked him from reading my mind.

"Yeah. She's me and my brother's friend. She's our neighbour and sort of our childhood friend if you'd call it." I said slightly laughing. He smirks but turns into a smile.

"Very good information." I tried reading his mind but nothing.

"Do me a little favor would ya?" This is not gonna end well.


"How can Lara be so smart at her age?" I asked laughing. Emerald and I we're talking about CC7. Lara is a real smart kid.

"I know right." She said laughing.

"That's my ship!" Alex said. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Grello!" She greeted happily.

"Why are you so peppy today?" I asked.

"You talked to Ashton?" Emerald asked smirking. Alex looked at her.

"Haha knew it!"

"Shuck off." I laughed. Glader terms are the best.

"C'mon what did y'all talk about?"

"Harry Potter. Turns out his a Potterhead just like me! He has a necklace of the Deathly Hollows."

"Awwww fandom buddies." She smiled but then looked away.

"You like him?" She shrugged. Great answer sissy.

"He's nice we all know that." Emerald said and we nod.

"And he's-" I was cut off by someone calling my name. It was Nathaniel. Wtf do u need from meh?



"Wait." Hailee stands up and goes to Nathaniel. Nathaniel tells her something and she looked shocked. She goes to her shelf and she finds a note. She reads it and went out of the classroom. Nathaniel follows.

"What's up with you?" Alex asked. I looked at her confused.


"You're staring at the two of them intently."


"You told her you like her right?" I nodded.

"How did she take it?"

"She took it well. I was nervous she'll get weirded out but-" she cuts me off.

"But she didn't."

"Didn't what?" Hailee asked sitting down.

"It's nothing." I said. She looked at the both of us and shrugged.

*lunch time*

We were done eating so Precious and Chloe came. They were 5th Grade students. Precious was telling us a joke and we laughed. That was a clever joke. Chloe and Martina were joking around each other. Alex and Precious were talking about Harry Potter. Hailee was quiet until she whispered in my ear.

"We need a ship name for them." She said laughing. When it comes to ship names we think the same and say it at the same time. Weird but ok.
We settled on a ship name for them.

"Cause I have to ships!" Alex said. And we both turn to her.

"Emerald and the ice cream. Hailee and her." I rolled my eyes. She's all about the ship between me and Hailee. Sometimes she'd push me just to kiss Hailee's cheek. Even Perriwinkle, Ashley, Mackenzie and Blaire. Hailee and I would call it harassment. And she'll never stop talking that her ship is real. I rolled my eyes at that thought. Hailee and I were talking about something when she holds the side of her head.

"Are you ok?" She's thinking.

"It's Carly."


"In my head. She has telekenesis. She said to come meet me at my house later. Her commmunication is stronger than I thought. And she never used it on me before." She keeps blinking.

"Does your head hurt that much?" She shakes her head.

"I'm just surprised."


A/n: CHRISTMAS SEASON IS HERE!❄️🎄🎅🎁 Tell me what you want for Christmas! I'll be writing our Christmas Party soon cuz it will happen on 21st of December! And I'll try to write what we practice about since we have a dance contest. Sorry for not updating!😂 A few more days 'till Christmas guys! Have fun!

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