Chapter 14

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Annie's P.O.V

 We walked down the stairs hand in hand but it didn't bother me, I didn't mind it at all.

"I'm going to get the things I bought earlier I'll be right back" Jason said as we reached the last step.

"do you need help?" I asked looking at him, he looked away for a few seconds thinking about it then he looked back at me.

"Actually I do" he said chuckling making me smile.

"Let's go then" i told him and he nodded his head then he grabbed my hand and he started walking us to the front door.

"Why do you always do that?" I asked making him stop to look at me.

"Do what?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"Hold my hand" I said looking at our hands then looking back at his face.

"I do it because I want to" he said smirking making me roll my eyes in annoyance, it was crazy how much he could change my mood in less then ten seconds.

"You get mad really fast" he said chuckling dragging me gently out of the house.

"Well that's happens to me when I deal with cocky people" I said expecting him to get mad but the only thing he did was laugh.

"I'm not cocky I'm just confident puppy" he said smirking as he unlocked the car and opened the back seat's door to reveal a zillion of bags.

"Yeah right" I scoffed crossing my arms over my chest.

"You know it's only the truth" he said winking at me making me smile like an idiot.

"Yeah sure it is" I said sarcastically rolling my eyes again.

"See you are not denying it" he said handing me three bags.

"Oh lord, please help me" I said while taking the bags from him making him chuckle.

Jason got the other bags then he closed the car's door with his foot after that he put his arm around my shoulder making me playfully glare at him.

"You are putting weight over my shoulders dummy" I told him and he chuckled then he hugged me from the side with his arm still around me, he smiled as we walked to the house.

We walked inside the house making our way to the living room.

"Where is the food?" I asked as I put the bags on the living room's floor.

"it's In here" Jason answered me lifting a bag up in the air then sitting It on the coffee table before sitting on the couch, I run to him and I sat next to him not waiting a second to grab the food I was starving. I looked inside the bag to see two big Macs and two large fries.

"yuuy!" I yelled grabbing the big Mac.

"Are you that much hungry?" Jason asked and I nodded not even looking at him I was too busy eating my delicious dreamy perfect big Mac, it tasted so good it made everything around me fade away.

"Do you like it?" Jason asked making me snap out of my thoughts.

"Yeah I love it, it's delicious" I informed him looking up at him to see that he was smiling at me.

"you have_" he said chuckling and putting his thumb on my cheek

"_ketchup on your cheek" he continued wiping the substance away from my cheek, then caressing it softly after that making my heart beat faster.
His touch was so gentle it gave me butterflies, even though I knew that feeling was wrong but I couldn't stop it, even though I wanted to push it away I couldn't do it, it was something I had no control over.

"You are really beautiful puppy" he said as he moved his hand away from my cheek, making me look up at him to meet his hazel beautiful eyes.
His eyes were really beautiful I could look at them the whole day without getting tired of it.

"Thank you" I whispered thanking him still looking up at him.

"don't thank me, it was nothing plus I only said the truth" he said making me smile, although he said it was nothing but for me it was surely something, he didn't know it but Jason was the very first person who told me I was beautiful and it really meant a lot to me.

That day I was really happy, I spent the day with Jason just watching movies and joking around, we stayed together the whole day until it was bed time.

"Good night puppy" Jason said moving me closer to him.

"Good night" I said then I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Hey guys!! so here is chapter 14 i hope you will like it! so i really wanted to thank each one of my readers, i love to see that there are people reading this story even if there aren't a lot of you but i really love seeing my reads increase it just makes me happy to see people liking this, i want to thank you for reading and voting it really means a lot, i just hope you enjoy reading this story just as much as i enjoy writing it!! love you all _Dia.

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