Chapter five

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When I woke up I was blinded by a bright white light. I woke up to see Serena in a bed to the left of me and a girl with golden hair to the right(they are all in different beds) I looked at my arm where there was a tube pushing blood out from a bag. I was looking at the girl with golden hair when she opened her eyes.


"Hey" I said weakly

"What happened" I said

"I saved you" she said

"Thank you may I ask how"

"When I yelled at you you turned and a bullet came into your arm instead of your heart" she stated

"And Serena" I said referring to the girl next to me

"She passed out after seeing the horror"

"So she's ok"

"Yeah" Was all she said

I felt a tug of happiness when she said she was ok I don't know why.

"What about you are you ok" I asked the girl

"Yeah I've been trained to take bullets a lot before I fall" the girl said

"What's your name" I asked

"It's yellow" she said with a grin

"Well nice to meet you do you go to school at lumiose high" I asked

"No I actually go to salatune prep" she said

"Where are you from" I asked

"Kanto" she said

"Huh I also came from Kanto witch town were you from" I asked curiously

"Pelet town" yellow said

"Me too how come we never met" I went on a Pokémon journey with my dad at the age of six my first Pokémon was my trusty pikachu"yellow proclaimed with joy and a hint of sadness

"Wait who is your father" I asked

"Red Ketchem" she replied

"What about your mother" I asked feeling sense of happiness

"I don't remember her that much but my dad referred to her as Deali and I assumed that they were married so I thought she was also a Ketchem and my dad said I had a twin brother" Yellow said with sadness of her distant memories

"Well I might be able to help you because my mom is Deali Ketchum I have a twin sister and my dad is Red Ketchum" I said with a happy smile to finally meet my sister after so long

I looked to the other side or me to see Serena starting to wake up.

"Hey are you ok" I asked with a lot of worry in my voice

"Yeah I'm ok but why would he try and shoot you it makes no sense" Serena said in deep wonder

"It's ok I'm all right...but who shot me" I asked

"Calem he must have thought I was with you and he must have been jealous" Serena said putting the pieces together

"Ok so what do I do" I said not knowing how to deal with this

"I think I have to tell him that we're not together" Serena said unsurely

"Are you ok" I asked

"Yeah I'm fine" she said

"Well then meet my twin sister yellow"

"Well hello yellow nice to meet you I'm Serena" she said with the biggest smile I've ever seen

"Nice to meet you Serena" yellow said kindly


When I was finally out of the hospital and going home I was walking with yellow and Serena. I was walking with yellow so she can see here mom again after so long. And I was walking with Serena because she lives super close and she is going to tell Calems that me and her aren't dating.


When I got to Calems house I walked up to the door and knocked on it.


"Hmm I wonder if he is here" Serena quietly said

Then the door opened to Calems mother.

"Hey Mrs.Xavior is calem here" I asked

"No...but he should be here soon" she said

Then the phone rang and I got an idea who it was...

"Ohh no Calem shot someone why would he do that" His mom said worried and scared

"Do you want me to come with you" I asked even tho I knew it would only get me in trouble

"Oh please I cant handle this why would he do this"
Mrs.Xavior said

---At The Jail---

"Why Calem why would you do this" Mrs.Xavier said while sobbing

"I'm sorry mom I was scared and didn't know what to do" Calem said

"Well mam we can't put up the bail till tomorrow morning so he's gonna have to stay here tonight" officer Jenny said

"Have you seen the boy he shot he looks around his age and he is injured in his left arm where two bullets entered and one went all the way through if i wasn't there to see it the boy might have died" officer Jenny also said

"Who was the boy that he shot" asked Mrs.Xavior between sobs

"Ash Ketchem and his twin sister yellow" She replied

"He lives in Vanville town as well" she said

"Ohh my...why Calem why" Mrs.Xavior said while breaking down on the floor

"There was also another girl but she wasn't injured or anything so we didn't do a profile check" when she said this I looked over to Calem and he was looking at me with the look like I loved you once but not anymore but that's ok with me because I don't love him either

---back at ashes---


When me and yellow got home my mom was mad at me for coming home late but then she was really happy to see her and she called Red to come over and they could all spend time together as a family and he was so happy to see us and we all acted like a family and I told him how I was the champion of Kanto,hoenn,and kalos. Then he challenged me to a battle between the champion of johto vs the champion of Kanto and such(I didn't want to write it all again)

Want to do a three on three"Red said

"Ok that works"

"Wanna start with grass types" He said

"Ok go Sceptile" I said

"Go Meganium" Red said

"Wow I thought you would use your Venusaur"

Then the battle started....


Hey guys I was able to update a lot quicker this time and I'm proud but I still wish I am able to update.
Please vote and comment it helps me write knowing that I have a meaning in this and I will help others and be happy please comment names for the story I can try to incorporate at them into the story and I will tag all the help in the next couple chapters so PEACE :)

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