Chapter 8

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I just found this picture on the internet and it was so funny and accurate that's I just had to put on here and yeah hope you enjoy the chapter and please comment and vote put names down in the bottom for the school and hope to see ya in the next chapter

"Serena" I yelled

"Charzard come out and flap your wings"I said coffing

"Guys come on we need to find Serena"Misty said

"Well no duhh"May said

"Guys he went this way"I said pointing into the forest

"Here Misty ride articuno and May ride zapdos And Gary ride my moltres"I said giving them the Pokeball

"And what are you gonna ride"May said thinking she fooled me

"I have my lugia to keep the birds in control"I said paying it on the back

"Oh yeah the great bird keeper"Said Gary while cracking up

"Lugia use ice beam"I said

"Wait what aww come on"Gary said

"Now let's get going before they get far"May said

"Ok let's get going Blue"Misty said snickering at him

"Ha ha very funny"Said Gary

With Serena

"Let me go Alan"I was screaming

"It's ok I'm not Alan"Said a strange voice

"Who are you and why did you bring me here"I said furiously

"My names Lysander and I don't want you I want your friend ash"Lysander said snickering

"Sir it has been confirmed that ash and his friends are coming here now but they are coming fast so get ready"Said a boy but I couldn't see his face

"Thank you Calem but don't you have something to do"Lysander replied

"Yes I'll open the door so he can come in"Calem said with a smirk on his big face

"Calem why are you doing this"she yelled

"Because that Ash kid is all kinds of trouble"He said turning away

"Sir they are here now"A man in a red jacket said

Back with Ash

"Guys were here now get ready there can be traps anywhere"I said climbing off the Lugia

"Welcome Ash Ketchum,Gary Oak,Misty Waterflower,and May Maple please come in I've been waiting"Lysander boomed on the megaphone

As they wee coming in the door shut and it was completely black then a corridor opened up and they went through to find Serena bolted on a chair with Lysander and his brother Giovanni

"So we meet again little boy"Giovanni grined

"Your not strong I can beat both of you put together"Ash said balling up his fist

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