Telling Your Brother

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As soon as you agreed to be Seth's girlfriend you knew that one of the first bumps in the road would be telling Roman, you had absolutely no idea how he'd react. You didn't know whether he'd be furious, happy or maybe just felt neutral about the whole situation. You were taking a bet on him being less than happy about the situation, you can't imagine any older brother being happy his little sister is dating his best friend - you also knew that Roman's first line of defence would be yours and Seths 6 year age gap. You knew Roman was an open person with age gaps and wouldn't really care if Seth's girlfriend was 6 years his junior, but when it was his baby sister, he'd definitely care.

You and Seth had been dating for just over one month now, and it's safe to say you've never felt happier. Not only did you have an amazing and supportive boyfriend, you had already been pushed into the title picture already, currently feuding with one of your outside work best friends - Charlotte. Now that Charlotte had officially fired that useless bitch Dana Brooke, you knew you were set to be the next RAW women's champion but not only that, become the first woman in the Samoan dynasty to wear a championship round your waist. There was only one thorn in your side regarding your happiness, you and Seth still hadn't told Roman, you had one night confided in Dean and Renee, they - or Renee (Dean just sat nodding and eating) said that neither of them would tell him but it was best you do it soon.

That was a week ago now, and tonight you had finally decided to tell him, you were going to tell him after his match at Monday night RAW. You and Seth had already had your matches, so you were just cuddled up backstage in your dressing room, you had both completely forgotten about Roman's match as you were both too caught up in each other. You were currently sat on the sofa straddling Seth, engaged in a rather heated makeout session, only stopping when you heard the violent slam of the dressing room door and the all too recognisable angry growl of your older brother. You quickly scrambled off of Seth onto the sofa,  "What the fuck are you doing with my little sister" Roman roared. Seth stuttered, trying to find an answer before you stepped in, you stood up and placed your hand on Romans chest, "Look Ro, I'm so sorry, I've been waiting for the right time to tell you and Seth are together. We have been for four months" you said softly. Roman's features had anger and confusion written all over them. "Who else knew Y/N, why did you think it was okay to keep this from me" he said, his voice calmer but still audibly pissed off. "The only people that knew were Dean and Re-" you got halfway through your sentence, before Roman cut you off "Oh great so even my other best friend knew that scum bag was with my sister". That's when you snapped, "Roman! Don't you fucking dare take it out on Dean and Renee, they told me to tell you. And as for calling Seth a scumbag, he's your best friend, that's complete bullshit, just because your pissed with me doesn't mean you can go around ruining your friendships" you screamed in his face. Roman took a few steps back, visibly shocked from your out burst. He said nothing, but outstretched his hand to Seth to shake, they shook hands and after Roman said, " You're not a scumbag, but if you hurt her I will break every single bone in your body" he said before exiting the room.

You knew Roman was pissed off, but he'd come round once her saw how happy Seth made you..Hopefully.

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