How your friends find out

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You and Seth quickly walked over the road to the small pancake restaurant where your Renee had invited you and Seth for brunch with a few other couple. You were atleast 10 minutes late, all thanks to Seth not being able to keep his hands off of you when you were in the shower.

You entered the restaurant, looking for your friends you quickly noticed: Nikki and John, Brie and Daniel, Dean and Renee and also Roman and his wife. You and Seth sat down in the two spare seats, where you were both met with hard stares and silence. After a few minutes Seth put his glass of water down on the table. "Okay whats up with you lot" Seth said, his tone sounding a hint pissed off.
"Oh nothjng much apart from the lack of sleep we all got" your brother Roman muttered.
"Yeah there was a huge amount of screaming from room 435 last night" Daniel chimed in with a serious tone. You rolled your eyes, "Oh shut up we weren't even that loud your all over exaggerating." This caused a huge amount of discussion and argument over then table, before Seth slammed his hand on the table, "Okay, lot are all acting like you've never had a good night with your girl. If i want celebrate my girlfriends title win with a little celebratory sex then i will" he said sarkily. There was a chorus of "wait girlfriend" and "you two are actually together" oh and whole lot of cringing from your brother.

Once the commotion around the table died down you laced your fingers with Seth's, setting your entwined hands on the top of the table. To answer all your questions, "Yes we are together, i am his girlfried, oh and next time i'll tell him to quiten down. This sparked barrage of questions and statements amongst your friends on the table, while you kept quiet; just thinking about how fortunate you really were, you had family and friends that loved you, an amazing boyfriend, you were the RAW women's champion. It almost seemed like every part of your life had fallen into place all with in a few months.

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