Chapter 3- "Changes"

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Everything has changed, even friends changed with time. As I was feeling lonely without my friends that's why I have started this short story.

Nowadays everybody changes with all sort of technology.

During recess time Neha, Cin, I talked about Venila.

Neha: " Well girls , I think Venila has already screwed up"

Cin: " yeah, she is totally changed !!"

"Yeah she has changed and we have to do something to that as soon as possible. U know cin, that Neha and I would also have done the same thing to u. " I said.

Cin: " what have i done now!!!!???"

Neha and I : " Well u know that urself very well . "

" U see .....that we don't like that u r being away from us. We know that u have farheen but plz don't take it wrong. We don't have any problem with her. It's just that u r too attached her. So in other words we r trying to say that we r JEALOUS, sorry " I said.

Cin: " ohhhhh wooooow , I sorry either. My eyes were so blinded that I haven't seen the effect that it has on u both . Either I didn't like staying away from u both. Sorry plz forgive me."

Neha: " Wow so emotional I'm touched "

" Seriously neha 😐u got only that to say I mean it 😐😂. Come on lets get into a very big HUG. I really miss our hug. " I smiled.


After that moment I felt alive again within my friends. From this moment we promised to each other that we will never get away from each other.

Neha: " I promise I will never get away even if i would never do this"

" Shut up ,, and just do the promise okay. I know u will never break the promise but still do it., Well I promise I will never get away ". I said.

Cin: " I promise I will never ever get away."

" OH MY GOSH LOOK AT THAT!!!! Our EX bestie is walking around with the bitch and AlSO by holding hands. Wow. Remember girls, when we went to ask her if ever she want to go out with us , she said NO u remember because she WAS APPARENTLY SICK . She is even becoming a liar.." I Said angrily

Cin: " What the...."

Neha: " ...fuck..."

Cin & Neha: " hey speech goals. LOL. "

" Seriously girls " I was confused " Focus on what we had just saw. So I was right, she was trying to avoid us just to be with her bitch .....oups I mean her 'BESTIE' .
I just don't understand her now. She is sooooooo complicated as Additional Mathematics. " sarcastically i said.

Cin: " yeah u r right. She had just misused our friendship . She treated us as a tissue . JUST USE AND THROW ."

Neha: " HAHAHAHA . But u r right . Ciiiiin whhhhyyy Tissue ?!!?¿?"

Cin: " It's true neha , we r like tissue paper, there is nothing funny in it".

Neha: " but u know , the way u have tell that is funny so that's why I laughed.".

" Alright.... Okay so now we shouldn't care because she is just an EX Bestie okay." I said.

" Totally wrong " a voice from behind spoke.

When we turned around it was Venila our Ex bestie.

"Totally wrong girls,,, how do you even have think that!!!!" sarcastically said Venila.

I knew that there was something wrong when she said that. She did it sarcastically and in a very different attitude.

Venila then bursted out in laughter.

Venila: " ohhh plzzzz don't tell me that u all three have been sad just because I walked away , don't tell hahaha seriously OMG. Well u r all idiots that's confirmed "

Cin: " What do u mean ?"

Venila: " U all really think I was ur friend perhaps in ur dream okay but not in real life"

Neha: " Ohh, so friendship for u is what??"

" Wait neha , to whom r u asking question , to her , seriously well let me tell u that she is a kind of person who don't have any feeling. In other words ,she is just heartless" I said .

Venila: Correct my dear...

'Venila u r such a bitch, I just want to put some stinky mud on ur face so that we don't see it again' I thought

Neha:" yeah u r right Amélia " (me, the author ).

Cin: " Lets go "

Venila: " OH WAIT"

"What now!!! Can't we get some peace man!!!" I said.

Venila: " ÑÕ I'll make ur lives like hell". Understand!!!

"Ohhh I'm scared ..what can u really do. Oh let me tell u ; NOTHING .😎😎" I said

Venila: " U all . Just wait and watch. U will see of what I'm capable. "

Neha: " I'm sure u won't be able to do something so gud bye."

We walked away from her , leaving her a bit confused. We were feeling ourselves just being we three. It's so wonderful. Even if now she is trying to manipulates us, she will fail.

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