Chapter 7 - Fear

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This morning was quite strange as at early hours the postman came. He came actually at 05:00 am . Seriously ,is that a time to come and to give the letter. Are all the people on this earth mad or they don't have brain.


   "Coming, no need to break the door," angrily I said.

Neha: "Hey Cindy, are you still sleepy, hey hello , HELLO CINDY , WTF... SHE is not answering. " She uncovered Cindy's face off the bed sheet . They were sleeping at my place. This will continues still we would get rid of Vēñï.  " Hey Cindy, why are you listening to music at five a.m"

Cin: " Ohh sorry if my music was disturbing you. Actually my sleep broke up because of the constant knocking at the door. Anyway I'm going back to sleep. "

Neha saying to herself: " So what I can do... There isn't even a single ray of sunshine. So who is the stupid knocking at the door at five am. I don't care . I'm going back to sleep."

Still ding dong, ding dong

"Oh come on ....can't you wait a minute." I opened the door and it was the postman. ,.   " Hello Mr. Postman, don't you think that you should be sleeping at that time"

Postman: "Miss or madam sorry for disturbing you but it's my duty to distribute letter... And now we have changed, our time service don't you know. You should have received an email as you are a member of our locality." Telling me in a high tone...he was talking as if he wanted to kidnap me... And the postman was new at his service. I was afraid of that man because of its voice, look(as a hooligan) , height(OMG as a tall as Eiffel Tower.) .

At 07:00 , when everybody was awake and freshly prepared.

Neha: " Hey Amélia who was at the door at five am."

" Huh..., The postman , a new one, he told me that the Time Service has changed. Well I didn't receive any email telling me all this."


  "I'll go. Wait." I replied.
I opened the door and at my surprise there was  THE POSTMAN at the door again but he was the usual one who used to come...Then I thought of asking him The Time Service if ever it has changed.

Postman: " Hello, Amélia...looking tired a letter for you from ......a certain " Miss X".

  "Huh,,, Miss X. Who is that !?" I was pretending of not knowing who it was.

Postman: "Don't know. Read the letter and maybe you'll find out...alright. Have a  Good Day.."

"WAIT,,, Tell me one thing; has your Time Service CHANGED ... "

Postman: " No, not at all. GOODBYE."

"How could this be possible!!!... So who was that  man at five am at my door." Murmuring to myself.

I closed the door and went to inform Cin and Neha about that..

  "Hey girls, there is a problem..!!!!"

Cin: "What happened!!!. Is everything okay"

  " No nothing is okay, I think that Venila has found out about the cameras!!¿¿??!!"

Neha: "What do you mean by she has find out. !!!!"

"Yeah, I don't really know , it's not confirmed. But one thing is sure that the Time Service of the post office hasn't changed at all...And Miss X alias Vêñï has sent a letter ..."

Cin: "So she is playing with us...and this was her trick or what.."

Neha: "Maybe she is trying to scared doing all these."

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