Chapter 15 - I want him back!!

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Recap: (When now I realised how I'm missing him..I know how he must be feeling when I'm just rejecting him...this is how I felt when he dumped me two years ago..
I finally woke up from this dream and it was still night...
I wanted to sleep when I couldn't so I took a sleeping pill to sleep faster..
After about 15 mins I felt sleepy..and after a while I was already in a deep the sleeping beauty..
The night was then peacefully as ever.)

Well in the morning...

I woke up and found that I was sweating and I had a high fever..and all of a sudden I felt a wave of neasua passed over me and I went up throwing in the toilet.

I took a towel and dried my face up..
I felt so sick and weak that i could sleep for weeks.. This ' Angina' ,is like killing me.... I couldn't even walk properly..

I went again to Doc. as this Angina making me feeling like I'm dying I couldn't tolerate this anymore..

I entered his cabin..

Doc: "Hello Amélia, what brings you here again..?"

"'s intolerable this Angina now ..I want to get rid of this now..
I have done some research on The Treatment For Angina..and it's possible by doing an operation."

Doc: "But you know that this operation will be very costly to you you better twice before doing it."

"I know Doc.that it will be costly. But I have to do..the medicines that you gave are very ineffective on me.. because every day I can get a panic..
If every day is like this i might die in a few days..I'm ready for the operation.."

"Okay as you wish go and change yourself for the operation"


I went in an another cabin and change myself and i was nervous as I was going to be operated.

When I stepped in the operation theatre I felt like i was going to faint when I saw the room in..

I was nervous and why the room had to be so big and scary with its instruments.

After 5hours of operation I was shifted to an observation room in case of side effects.

When I opened my eyes i was already in the observational room...everything around me was blur.

I tried to wake up but the wires around me stopped me...My friends; Cin, Neha,Venila, and others were right beside me...i was on the bed like a dead person..

Doc.Anderson came in and examined me while Neha and Cin and Venila went out.

Doc: "So how do you feel now.?"

"What can I say...I feel so free from this Angina. It's like I have never been sick..thank you for helping"

Doc: "it's my duty to help you..still you'll have to take care..the side effects are still not gone..better watch out okay..We'll have to keep you here for about two days more for some tests..don't worry this will passed out easily."


I was still not convinced...but I'm sure that I'm not sick anymore..but why the Doc.has so much concern for me, in his eyes it could be seen..

After two days...

I was getting discharged today. I was relieved about that I was finally getting rid of all these wires and tubes..

After doing all the formalities I went to change myself and I was already ready to go away from this hospital..

I put on my clothes and headed out of the hospital ..

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