After Party

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The party had ended around midnight, you and the members of RFA decided to go to a karaoke bar to celebrate the success of the party. Also, you all wanted to spend more time together, especially Jumin Han, you two were practically inseparable durning the party.
  Zen and Jaehee were hogging the mic, while Seven and Yoosung were eating Honey Buddah Chips. You starting singing along with Zen and Jaehee, and Jumin watched you smiling. You glanced over at him and cleared your throat.
"Why'd you stop?" He laughed as he was rolling up the sleeves of his shirt.
"Y-you were watching me." You blushed as you leaned towards him.  He leaned closer to you and whispered in your ear.
"Be good, kitten," he got up and adjusted his shirt, "I need to use the restroom." He walked out of the room, Yoosung was smiling as he scooted next to you.
"Are you having fun, Yoosung?" you grabbed a chip as you turned to look at the blonde boy.
"I'm having so much fun! Are you enjoying yourself, [Y/N]?" Yoosung smiled and nudged you. You giggled and nodded.
"Is Jumin as great as you thought?" Seven intruded the conversation, while eating a handful of Honey Buddah Chips. Yoosung stared at you intensely waiting for you to reply. You blushed, "So nosy, you two," you tried to hide your big smile.
"So he IS great?" Seven laughed and raised his eyebrows. You rolled your eyes and continued eating chips.
"You still didn't answer the question, [Y/N]." Yoosung said as Jaehee and Zen sat down.
"I prefer to not be apart of this interrogation, as I do not wish to hear about Mr. Han's personal life." Jaehee began flipping through the song lists.
"Where is that trust fund kid anyways?" Zen leaned back and stretched his arms out behind you and Jaehee.
"I'm right here," Jumin walks in and everyone went quiet," so am I great, [Y/N]?" he looked at you with a smirk on his face, making you feel warm on the inside. God, he is so attractive, you thought, just staring at him.
"Well?" Zen snapped his fingers in front of your face bringing you back from your daydream which made you blush.
"Clearly she thinks he's the bomb dot com." Seven said laughing and eating more chips.
"Of course [Y/N] thinks I'm great, just look at me." he laughed and forced Zen to move over, so he can sit next to you.
"Who's the bigger narcissist? Zen or Jumin?" Seven laughed and threw a chip at Zen.
  Everyone was having a blast, laughing and singing. Jaehee looked at her watch and frowned.
"It is getting late, I must return home now," Jaehee let out a sigh," I had a wonderful time with you all, we must get together again soon." She got up and started packing things up.
"Don't frown Jaehee, you'll get wrinkles!" you stated as you got up to help her pack and clean up a bit.
"Yeah, we should all get going actually." Seven said stretching out and letting out a loud yawn.
"I do not care for aging, but thank you for your concern." she looked over at you and smiled.
"Jaehee, let us take you home," Zen said as he and Yoosung got up," I have to take Luciel and Yoosung home too." Jaehee blushed and smiled even wider.
"O-of course, thank you," she put on her jacket," Mr. Han, I take it you will be escorting [Y/N] to her apartment as well?" she asked as you all walked out of the bar.
"If [Y/N] is okay with it, then yes." he held out his arm for you, as you wrapped your arm with his you smiled and nodded.
"I would love for you to take me home." you blushed and Seven started laughing.
"Wooooow, such a gentleman you are, Jumin." Seven laughed and playfully elbowed Jumin.
"Of course I am," Jumin smiled and looked at you," every lady deserves one." you smiled as you looked up at him.
"Don't kill her while you're driving, we need her to plan another party." Zen said as we approached the cars. Jumin rolled his eyes as he opened the door for you. Seven jokingly opened the door for Yoosung and bowed.
"For you m'lady."
"Why am I the lady?" Yoosung asked not understanding the joke.
Seven groaned,"Just get in."
You laughed as everyone was saying goodbye to each other one last time. Jumin got in the car and looked at you.
"Yeah." you smiled as he entangled his hand in yours.
  As Jumin pulled into a parking space you couldn't help but stare at his beautiful black hair and his concentrated face. He turned off the car and the two of you sat there for a moment.
"Today couldn't have been anymore perfect, [Y/N]." he leaned his chair back a bit and looked at you. He held your hand and rubbed his thumb against your soft skin. You blushed," I had such a wonderful time with you, and everyone else." You looked at your phone, the time read 2:57 a.m., your mother texted you and Zen opened up a chat.
"Jumin, would you like to come in?" you asked softly. He smiled and nodded as he got out of the car to open your door. As he helped you out he pressed you against the car," I've been wanting to do this for so long." he pressed against you as he gently placed his baby soft lips against yours. He placed his hands on your waist as he pulled you closer, making the kiss a bit more rough. Your hand began to rub against his chest, unbuttoning a few of the top buttons on his shirt. He grabbed your hand and smiled," No no no," he whispered. You swallowed and tried to catch your breath, you walked to your apartment with Jumin and went inside.

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