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"Where are you Jumin? You were suppose to pick me up ten minutes ago." I say anxiously through the phone.
"I am almost there just relax," Jumin let out a sigh,"I'll be there in three minutes, okay? See you soon, hon." Jumin hung up and I sat down letting out an exaggerated sigh. That man, always running late, I thought as Meredith came to comfort me in my time of need.
"Mer, if ever your boyfriend is late to pick you up, attack him." I leaned forward as she turned her head to the side.
"Meow," she jumped up next to me and rubbed her head agains my hand. Her soft gray fur always calms me down. I couldn't help but think back to the day he got Meredith, I picked her up and held her to my face.
"Such a tiny thing, you were." She began to purr and licked my nose. I sighed and gave her a hug,"Luciel couldn't resist you, he even tried to take you home a few times." I laughed just thinking about him putting Meredith in his sweater or bag. There was a knock, and then the doorbell rang.
"Daddy's here Mer!" Meredith's head shot up and ran to the door, meowing the whole time. I got up to open the door, and Jumin was standing there with my favorite flowers.
"Jumin! They are so beautiful." I took the flowers and hugged my beautiful dark haired boyfriend. Jumin picked up Meredith and shut the door. I went into the kitchen and put the flowers in a vase and placed them on the table. Jumin put Meredith down and came in behind me.
  He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder, pulling me close.
"I've missed you, [Y/N]." His grip tightened around my waist pulling me closer. He began grazing his nose against my neck.
"I've missed you too, Jumin. How was your business trip? Meet any cute girls?" I say jokingly as I gently place my hand on the back of his head.
"Why would you say such a thing?" His voice became stern and a bit intimidating, but I liked it.
"I-I was just joking babe, relax." Jumin picked me up and took me to the room. He shut the door behind him and laid me on the bed. I began to reposition myself, but he grabbed me by the wrist and pinned me down.
"What are you suppose to call me when you get in trouble?" He whispered in my ear as he pressed himself against my body.
"Sorry, Sir." I tried refraining myself from pressing up against him, but I couldn't resist. His grip tightened around my wrists as he lifted his face right above mine.
"Did you move, Kitten?" His expressionless face was inches from mine.
"N-no, sir." I want to kiss him so badly. He licked his lips, still pinning me down.
"Are you lying to me now?" I could feel my heart racing, it felt as if it was going to jump out of my chest.
  I stayed quiet, his fingers began to roam down my arms. I wanted to pounce on him as soon as he let me go, but I knew it would result in a punishment. His hands were warm on my skin, giving me goosebumps. I love him, was all I could think of as I stared deeply into his dark black eyes. He was trying to break me, trying to make me move so he could punish me. I laid under him for a few minutes before I couldn't handle it anymore. I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck as I pulled him down for a kiss.
  His hands began pulling my black dress up. He broke away from the kiss and stood above me, "[Y/N], you know the rules." He began undoing his belt and motioned for me to turn around. I followed his orders, trying to hide my smile. I turned my head to watch him, his belt in one hand and the other traced the back of my legs. He started slowly lifting up my dress, he isn't saying anything, I thought. I didn't mind the silence, I quiet enjoyed it. He started dragging his leather belt across my bare behind, I gripped the sheets as soon as I felt it leave my skin.

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