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We got to the restaurant and sat down at a rectangular table.
"I want some steak." Seven said excitedly.
"I think we're all getting stake, Seven." Zen said as he pulled a chair out for Jaehee.
"O-oh, thank you, Zen." She said blushing, Zen nodded and smiled.
"I will be having the fettuccine instead of the steak." Yoosung said as he sat next to Seven. Jumin pulled out a chair for me across from him and smiled.
"Yoosung, you can have some of my steak if you want." I said happily, I didn't realize how much I missed being with all the RFA members until now.
"Waitress, please bring us your best red wine, and six glasses of water." Jumin asked as he began looking at the menu.
Once we ordered our food and got our wine, Jumin stood up.
"I'd like to make another toast today, [Y/N] thank you again for everything you have done for the RFA. We were able to gain a new family member and raise a good amount of money. I cannot wait for what you have planned for the next party," he raised his glass, and so did everyone else," but I do have something else I would like to say..." I looked up at him and it suddenly got very quiet.
"[Y/N], it's been a little over two years since you've joined the RFA, which also marks the first day we met. At first I was skeptical about you, but that's because you should always be skeptical upon meeting someone for the first time. I did not expect to get close to you, much less even develop a relationship with you. But I'm glad that I did, we've been inseparable since then. You've brought me nothing but joy and happiness as my girlfriend, and I hope you continue to bring me more joy and happiness," he paused and I held my breath knowing what was about to come, "not as my girlfriend, but as my wife." He pulled out a tiny black box and got on one knee and opened it. I gasped seeing the most beautiful diamond I have ever seen in my life. Everyone at the table gasped and awed as they all leaned in to see the ring. I couldn't find my voice to say yes, so I smiled and nodded. Everyone screeched and hollered happily as Jumin put the ring on my finger and hugged me tightly.
"I love you, Jumin." I said as he laid his head on my shoulder.
"I love you so much, [Y/N]." He sighed as he planted a gentle kiss on my lips.
  Once our food arrived we all began to dig in, laughing and having a good time talking about work and our daily lives outside of the RFA. I couldn't help but constantly look at Jumin and smile, I'm going to become Mrs. Han, I thought as I held his hand. Jaehee couldn't help but admire the beautiful ring.
"I must admit, that ring really suits you, [Y/N]. Of course, Mr. Han would only choose the best for the love of his life." I couldn't help but blush and giggle to myself. Jumin smiled to himself and continued eating his steak. I looked at everyone and saw how genuinely happy we all were together, I sighed happily as an overwhelming feeling began building up inside.
  We finally ordered dessert and finished all the wine, well Jumin and Jaehee drank most of it. Once we finished our dessert we all walked out of the restaurant to see Driver Kim waiting for us.
"You know, I love you guys so much. I love spending time with you and laughing with you all." I said as we all walked towards the car. The overwhelming feeling was building up more and more inside me and I couldn't contain it anymore, and I suddenly began tearing up.
"[Y/N]!!! Are you okay?" Zen asked as I wiped a tear away. Suddenly we stopped walking and everyone was trying their best to comfort me.
"Yes, yes I'm fine. I just don't know where I would be today if I hadn't joined the RFA. You guys are my family and I'm so happy to be with you all." Everyone sighed in relief and embraced me in a group hug.
"Even though I don't get along with Jumin very well I'm glad that you both are happy, and I don't mind hugging him right now." Zen said as he wrapped his arm around Jumin.
"Well I mind, get off of me." He said playfully as Zen glared at him. We all laughed as we reached the car and Driver Kim took everyone home.
  Jumin and I entered my apartment at 10 o'clock. We sat on the couch and Meredith came over and laid down between us.
"I'm so fuuuullllll." I groaned as I rubbed my stomach. I held my hand out and stared at the ring and smiled. I looked over to Jumin who had already passed out, I kissed his cheek and opened up a chat room.
[Y/N] has entered the chat room
707 has entered the chat room
Yoosung has entered the chat room
[Y/N]: We got back to my apartment safely(: Jumin instantly knocked out lol.
Yoosung: Good! I'm so glad I got to see everyone today, I had a blast. Congratulations again to you and Jumin.
707: God will bless you both with a happy marriage and good fortune.
Yoosung: I'm so full, I'm about to slip into a food coma. I can't even find the energy to log into LOLOL.
[Y/N]: Good lol. But I'm pretty tired too. Goodnight you guys.❤
707: Goodnight and thank you for everything [Y/N].
Yoosung: Goodnight!!!
Yoosung left the chat room
707 left the chat room
[Y/N] left the chat room
I sighed as I turned over to Jumin and poked his nose.
"Wake up lets go to bed." I said as I got up and tugged on his arm. He sighed as he got up and we walked to the bedroom, he wrapped his arms around me before we entered.
"[Y/N] you make me so happy, I can't wait to live the rest of my life with you." He said in a sleepy voice and kissed the top of my head. I laughed and hugged him tightly,
"You make me so happy, Jumin. But I think my bed will make me happier tonight." I laid down and curled up next to him as we both fell into a deep sleep.
LOL HI GUYS IM SO SORRY THIS CHAPTER TOOK FOREVER😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪 but nonetheless I hope you all enjoy this fanfic about Jumin(((((-: THANK YOU FOR ALL THE READS AND VOTES WOW. Don't forget to eat three meals a day.💓💓💓

Yes, SirOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora