Chapter 1

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Hello there, my name is Alexandria, but you can call me Alexandria Let me tell you a story about two brothers torn apart by war and how they find each other again. It begins with a simple fireball.

Laurence dodged as Leo threw a fireball at him. "Haha, you missed me." Laurence taunted.

"Stop moving, for you know how this will end." Leo said, throwing another fireball.

"And how is that, exactly?" Laurence said, ducking behind a tree.

"With you and your group of terrorists hanged." Leo said.

Laurence laughed.

"We aren't terrorists." Laurence snuck behind the trees.

"Where'd you go?" Leo looked around nervously. Laurence snuck up behind him with a bucket of water

"Right behind you!" Laurence dumped the water on him. Leo tried to get his sword out but Laurence knocked him to the ground before he could get to it.

"You're coming with me, Prince" Laurence grabbed the collar of Leo's cloak and began to drag him towards the woods.

Leo started to thrash. "Let me go, Let me go."

Laurence sighed "You know, you're better when you're quiet." With that, Laurence knocked him out.

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