Chapter 7

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(a/n) Sorry the chapters are so short. You see I already have this typed up on Google docs and I'm transferring it over. If I posted them how they are in docs then this would be the start of chapter 3. So I shortened the Chapters on this. Anyways, Enjoy.

Laurence and Leo left Faith and Garroth on the hill and went into the woods.

"So what are we looking for?" Leo asked

"Food, shelter, a possible campsite." Laurence ducked under a tree branch. "Crap. I forgot my sword."

"It's okay, I have mine." Leo replied. A sword made of fire materialized in his hands.

"Woah, that's cool." Laurence stared at it. "But I should get mine. Let's go back, it's getting dark anyway."

"Yeah, okay." The sword extinguished. Laurence turned around and headed back to the temporary camp with Leo right behind. As they walked back, they passed a berry bush and picked it dry. They had almost reached the edge of the clearing when Leo found another bush full of berries. "You go ahead. I'll get these."

"Okay." Laurence left Leo with the berries and headed toward Faith and Garroth.

As he neared them he heard Faith say. "Garroth I....I love you."

Laurence yelled. "WHAT!!!"

"Laurence? I..thought you were with Leo" Faith said shakingly. Leo ran up to them, dropping the berries in the snow as he ran over.

"What's going on?"

"Faith just said she loves Garroth when she knows he's my boyfriend." Laurence said, literally steaming.

"How am I supposed to know? I can't see the future!" Faith said angrily.

"Garroth told you." Laurence said, gritting his teeth.

"No he didn't he said that you weren't dating." Faith said confused.

"Garroth, what is she saying?"

"Yeah about that....." Garroth said looking at the ground. Laurence looked betrayed. "I didn't want anything like this to happen."

"I...I can't" Laurence turned and ran into the woods. Leo grabbed Laurence's sword, took one last look at Faith and Garroth, and ran after him.

"I mess up everything." Faith said sinking into the snow.

ElementalsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora