Chapter 4

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(a/n) I'm not good at fight scenes. Sorry

Laurence glared at him angrily. "You little...." Laurence was cut off when a fireball hit the tree next to him. Enraged Laurence threw a fireball into the trees. One of the guards jumped down from a tree and ran toward Leo. Faith froze him in a block of ice before he got to Leo. Garroth hit a guard with a ice spike.

As Laurence knocked out a guard that was headed for Leo, a guard across the clearing threw a fireball at Laurence. He turned at the last moment and the fireball hit him in the chest. Laurence fell to the ground unconscious next to Leo. Garroth and Faith finished off the attackers and ran over to Laurence and Leo.

"Faith. Heal him!" Garroth cried.

Leo sighed. "That won't work." Garroth walked over to Leo and lifted him up by his collar.

"Tell me how to heal him! Tell me now!" Garroth yelled. Faith ran over and separated them.

"He can't tell you if he can't breath." Faith moved Garroth away. "Leo, do you know why we can't heal him?"

"Yes. The guards that attacked you guys are special. They have this magic in their fire" Leo looked down. "My dad made me do it. It was a good idea. It can only be healed by a master healer."

Garroth paled. "Oh no."

Faith turned to Garroth. "We have to."

Leo looked annoyed. "I would really like to know what you guys are talking about."

Garroth shook slightly. "Are you absolutely sure we need a master healer?"

"Yes, if you want to save Laurence." Leo tried not to look in his direction.

"Well I guess there's no way around it then, Garroth you lead the way. I'll carry Laurence." Faith said walking over to Laurence.

"So, can I go now?" Leo tugged at the chains.

Garroth walked over to him and undid the chain that held Leo to the tree and connected it to the one around his hands. "No. You're coming with us and if it doesn't work and he dies, so do you."

"What? No. It is not my fault they came. Maybe if you would have let me go instead of keeping me locked up they wouldn't have come."

"Don't you pin this on me. I didn't want to keep you, but Laurence did." Garroth clenched his fist at his side.

"Oh yeah, I forgot, you need to listen to your boyfriend."

Garroth and Faith paled. "What do you mean boyfriend?"

"He's not my boyfriend." Garroth said quietly

"Really? That's not what Laurence says." Leo said smugly.

"He said he's not his boyfriend." Faith replied angrily.

Leo held his hands up in defeat. "Okay okay, you guys aren't dating."

"Okay let's get going." Garroth said, pulling on Leo's chain. Faith picked up Laurence and put him over her shoulder.

"Jeez, you don't need to pull my arms off." Leo complained.

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