Chapter 2

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 Leo woke up to find that he was chained to a tree. About ten feet away Laurence and a person, Leo assumed was Garroth, and they were talking next to a dying fire. Leo pretended he was asleep.

"I think we should keep him" Laurence commented.

"He's not a pet, Laurence" Leo guessed that was Garroth's voice.

"I know, but he could be useful. I've heard rumors that he knows magic"

"That's another reason we shouldn't keep him, he could kill us at any moment"

"Whatever." Laurence looked into the woods. "Where is she?"

"I don't know, she said she would be back in an hour with firewood." As if on cue, a girl came into the dim firelight. "Hey guys, I'm back" She said putting the wood in a pile next to the fire.

"Finally Faith, geez I almost froze to death." Laurence said, laughing

"Then next time get your own wood you useless......" She paused seeing Leo chained to a tree.

"So you finally won a battle against him." Faith sarcastically remarked.

"Hey, it isn't my fault, he's had more training than me." Laurence complained. Faith walked over to Leo.

"I hope you guys didn't say anything important or vital." Faith squatted down in front of Leo."I do hope you aren't trying to fool anyone, 'Your Majesty'." Leo looked up and glared at her. He spit in her face. "Why you little." Faith picked him up by the neck. Laurence ran over and separated them.

"Faith, control yourself." Laurence said as Faith stormed into the woods.

"I'll keep an eye on her" Garroth said following her.

Laurence tightened the chains around Leo. "You need to stop causing so much trouble. One of these days, you're going to get hurt.'

"Is that a threat?" Leo said back.

Laurence laughed. "You wish, but you and I both know I can't really harm you."

Leo smiled. "What, not strong enough?"

Laurence grimaced. "Well I didn't have the training you did. You were privileged. I mean you are the prince."

"Yeah which means you need to listen to me. Release me at once!"

Laurence sat next to Leo. "I would, but then you would kill me so...yeah."

"Of course I would kill you. You're a menace to the Fire Kingdom."

Laurence sighed. "I was really hoping we could be friends."

Leo stopped, obviously taken aback by the remark. "What?"

Laurence got up and walked toward the fire. "You heard me, and I hope you will consider."

Leo stopped struggling against the chains, he remembered saying the same thing to Laurence when they first met. "We can''re the enemy. You...I..."

Laurence put another log on the fire and get two apples from his bag and walks over to Leo. "You need to eat."

"Well I kind of can't." He gestures towards the chains.

"I know." Laurence pulled out a pair of purple gloves. "Here." Laurence put the gloves on Leo and loosened the chains a bit.

"What are these for?" Leo said while Laurence loosens his chains.

"These keep you from fire bending. They can only be taken off by me." Laurence said with a smile.

"Oh, okay." Leo took a bite of the apple.

Laurence took the pack set it in front of him and pulled out a leather bound book with symbols. "This fell out of your pocket when I knocked you out, What is it?

Leo paled. "It's nothing..."

Laurence shrugged. "If It's nothing then I guess you won't mind if I burn it." Laurence moved towards the fire.

"No don't!" Leo tried to grab the book, but Laurence pulled it away before he could grab it.

"What is it?"

"It's a...a spell book. I got it from my mother before she disappeared."

Laurence put the book back in the bag and sat the bag next to the other supplies. "So you can do magic."

"Only simple spells like illumination. Why does it matter?"

"I was just wondering. I wasn't actually going to burn it. I just wanted to know."

Leo sat back against the tree. "Well now you know. Can I have it back now?"

"No. I need to consult with Garroth and Faith."

Leo laughed. "So I guess I'm never getting it back then."

Laurence went over to Leo and tightened his chains. "They can be stubborn, but I'll convince them."

Leo laughed. "Good luck. By the way, tell your boyfriend to lighten up."

Laurence blushed. "How'd you know?"

"It wasn't that hard. I could tell by the way you guys were looking and talking to each other." Leo said as he leaned his head back.


Hey there, how are you? This is chapter 2 of Elementals. My schedule will be a new chapter every week. Well, its time to go. Bye, and welcome to the kingdom.

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