Chapter 3

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(a/n) Hello and welcome to Chapter 3. This is what happened with Garroth and Faith after she stormed into the woods. Enjoy!

"Faith! Control yourself." Laurence yelled after Faith stormed into the woods.

"I'll keep an eye on her," Garroth said following her. "Faith wait up."

"Go away!" Faith yelled angrily.

"Faith, come on. Don't be like that."

"I'm gonna be this way, and you'll deal with it!"

Garroth caught up to her and stood in her way, making her stop.

"Garroth get out of my way or I'll.."

"Or you'll what. Huh, What are you going to do?" Garroth said cutting her off. "You need to stop overreacting like this. You do this every time Laurence does somethi..." Garroth stopped, Faith was crying. "Faith...I'm sorry."

Faith turned and ran into the forest. "Just leave me alone!" A wall of ice formed between Faith and Garroth, separating them. Garroth created a hole in the wall and walked through it.

"Faith I'm sorry. Please, I'm really sorry." Garroth pleaded, trying not to trip on the roots of the trees. "Faith wait up. Just one..AHAHAH" Garroth said falling face first into the mud.

Faith turned. "Garroth!" Faith ran up to him and helped him up. His nose was bleeding. "Okay, okay I accept your apology. Can't really not accept the apology of a goof like you." She put a wet cloth under his nose. "There you go."

"Thanks Faith, We should get back." He looked around. "Where..Where are we?"

"Uh...I don't know. Let's just turn around and go back the way we came." She started walking away from Garroth.

"Hey, uh, Faith. It was the other way." Garroth said walking the opposite way.

"Oh, I knew that. I was testing you." Faith followed

They walked for a while when they found the melted remains of the ice wall. "Hey Faith, does the ice usually melt that fast?"

"Not in this temperature." The branches of a tree shook, catching her eye. Faith whispered to Garroth. "I think we're being followed."

Garroth tensed up. "Okay. Just act normal." He continued walking.

Faith followed his act. Another tree on their other side rustled. As Faith watched the trees out of her peripherals, one of the trees started glowing red. "Duck!" Faith and Garroth ducked as a fireball sailed over their heads.

"Run!" Garroth yelled as he took off running. Faith ran after him. They dodged fireballs being thrown from left and right. "It must be the Royal guard. I knew we shouldn't have kept Leo."

"See I told you!" Faith said dodging another fireball. "But does anyone ever listen to me, noooo."

"Faith, this is not the time for your sarcasm." Garroth said as they burst back into the clearing

Laurence looked up startled. "What's wrong."

Faith and Garroth were out of breath. "Running.....Royal......guard."


Leo looked up. "The Royal guard?"

"How do they keep finding us?" Laurence asked to no one in particular. 

Leo laughed nervously. "Remember when I said I can do simple spells. The first spell I ever did was a seek spell....on you." Leo looked down at the ground.

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