Chapter 8

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    As Maria leaves the ring she goes backstage and then.......-


*Maria's POV*
   I laid on the floor with Corey kicking me and getting on top of me trying to hit me. But as I defend myself I am able to punch him and as he is now on the floor holding his bloody nose, I run to my locker room and pack my things as fast as I can. I run out of the arena into the car and drive. My heart is still pounding in fear of Corey, Corey had made me have fear of him, a such sweet,kind, humble spirit had lashed out at me so unexpectedly. I stoped the car really quick to look at the mirror in the car, a black eye and a bruise is starting to form, I use my makeup to cover it up for now. As I make my way to the airport my phone rings, I look down and see my worst nightmare. The words on the top of my phone saying

"Corey Graves"

I look at the words carefully thinking what do to. I pick up my phone and had my finger less than a second away from clicking the answer button, but my better sense had told me to not do it and allow my phone to go to matter how many times he calls.
15 minutes pass with multiple unanswered phone calls from Corey.

"Siri, do I have any new messages?"
"Yes, 35"
"From who"
"Corey Graves"
I sigh "read all 35 messages to me"
All the 35 heartfelt messages from Corey and as my eyes start to tear I stiffen myself up and say to myself
"I'm stronger than this. He is the least of my worries"
I drive my way to the airport and make my way their. A man had came over and took some of my bagging, he had given them to me and then left. After I go through the process of getting through an airport I sit down and wait patiently for my flight to be called.

35 minutes later
"Flight 325 to New York is now boarding, Flight 325 to New York is now boarding"

I pick up my bags and start to exit the terminal and board the plane. The planes goes in the air and I await my 6 hour plane ride to NY.

*6 hours later*
    I land in New York and as I leave the terminal fans stop me to take pictures. After about 10 minutes, I catch a taxi and go to my apartment in Manhattan. As I get in I relax and think about everything.
Why did he attack me?
Why? Why? Why?
Why was my biggest question. Why is my biggest fear.


After I get to my apartment, I stay there on my bed for what felt like an hour just think about that, I stand up and look at the mirror and see my black eye going down. I stopped worrying about that and then I starting to walk around the streets of Manhattan and as always run into fans. I continue my walk to realize that I had to get back to my apartment. I was to far to walk so I hailed a cab and had myself a 20 minute ride to the hotel, I pay the man and left  to just fall asleep.

I woke up to see an email from Stephanie informing me about having to be at a live event today. She already paid for my tickets and they should be at my front door, I get up and grab the package, then walk to the bathroom and take a nice, long relaxing shower. After that I get dresses and walk my way to the airport on my way to Colorado.

    I finally got off the four hour plane ride of babies crying, kids kicking my seat, people asking me for autographs. I couldn't wait to leave the plane, after that I contacted Seth and asked him to pick me up from the airport.
Ten minutes pass and I see his black Range Rover coming up, I put my bags in the trunk of the car and get in. As he was driving the car ride was silent and very awkward, he tries to make conversation.

"So how was your couple of days in New York? Miss you hometown?" Seth asks
"Yeah, it was nice being home for a couple of days....I need to clear my mind of a lot of things  and I guess Manhattan helped"  I reply and put in my headphones, Selena's "Amor Prohibido" plays through and I begin to sing unknowingly out loud.

"Con unas ansias locas quiero verte hoy
Espero ese momento en que escuche tu voz
Y cuando al fin estemos juntos, los dos
No importa qué dirán tu padre y tu mamá
Aquí sólo importa nuestro amor, te quiero-"

"Oh my god, I'm so embarrassed, I've must've sounded horrible right?!?!" I ask
"no you were really good, if you wanna continue I don't mind, your singing is a lot better than the radio right now" Seth tells me which brings a smile to my face.
I continue singing Amor Prohibido and a couple of other songs until we reach the hotel, we get into the parking garage and take out my stuff as we walk to the hotel. Once we get to he front desk I ask what room I was in and I get my room card and go to the elevator. Seth and I continue to talk and laugh with each other.
"What room you in forgot to ask?" Seth asks
"Room 347" I say
"Oh cool that's the room I'm in" He says with excitement.
We get off the elevator and walk to the room, I use my room key and open the door to my worst nightmare to be sitting down on the couch.


  What do you think it is?

Sorry for like not writing in forever. School is such a drainer omg.

Who will it be? Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz