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Kiara's POV

WOW. I was in cloude 9. It feels so real. Wait lemme slap my face. Dang! I'm not even dreaming.

This is gonna be the best day of my liiiife. My li-i-ife.

I don't know what to feel right now. But then my thoughts was interrupted by my dad. "Kiara, who's this Bliv?". I looked at my dad, terrified. "Dad, let me explain."

"Then go ahead and explain, Kee!" my mom came out of nowhere with a confused look on her face. "What's going on here, honey? Why are you screaming, Mike? What is happening?"

"Dad, Mom. Why can't I be happy for once? I spent my whole life doing everything just for you. Please, let me do something for myself. I know.. I know you're worried about me. But dad, mom. Please. I like him. I'm a big girl now. I know what I'm doing"

"Oh honey, I hope you understand us too-"

"Mom, I completely understands you. I know, I don't have much time in this world. And I feel like something is missing. Please...please" I started crying. Gosh I hate this. Without realizing it my dad wraps his arms around me. "I'm sorry, Kee. But if he hurts you I swear I'll shave his eyebrows off." I chuckled. I smile and hugs him back and my mom joins in. "Awe, this is so cute. I love you honey," my mom smiled sweetly at me. "I love you too mom, I love you dad." They hugged me tightly. "I love you too, princess."


"Get off me!" and then Sheny laughs so hard.

"Calm down, kiddo. I've heard your parents knows about you and ..you know. Bliv" I shrugged. I explained it to them, though it's kind of hard but they understands me. I smiled at her. Sheny, well she just nod? This suprises me. Well, usually she would just asked me about me and Bliv just like what she did whenever someone asked me out. But she just nod? This is not my bestfriend istg

"You okay, Sheny?" she muttered something but eventually covered it up with her forced smile and winks at me "I just realized that you really like him. He's like your first ever boyfriend" I just smirk "I think I'll call it a quits. I will never be the third wheel of the "Sheaver"" I air quoted their shipname. She just laugh and nudge me

"You're an idiot." she giggled. I just stick a tongue out and rolled my eyes. "Whatever". And I stared at Sheny while she's back reading her notes. Something's wrong. I can feel it. I just shake it off my mind. Maybe I'm just overthinking.

"Kiara" I smiled at that voice, I turn around and found Bliv smiling sweetly at me.

We spend our times together with my bestfriend. But something is still bothering me. I'm happy now, right? Am I? I mean, that's what matters now. After all this years, I stopped the treatment, I feel hopeless ....before. And now, it's like I'm alive again. I don't wanna be selfish, I've been waiting for this for so long. I know I'm near to my demise, and I know I'll die happy...


"Kee?" I looked at Sheny. She's my bestfriend, she's the only person who helped me. I'm a very emotional, I know. But Sheny cheered me up, telling me that I'm still lucky. She doesn't know about my condition, I'm not even planning to tell her, I'm having a hard time telling her. I don't know how she will take it she's very important to me.

"You okay? You look so pale. Are you sick?" She asked, worried look on her face. Sheny's my sister by heart. She's like my older sister.

"I'm pale since birth, bitch" I laughed at her, but she has still that worried look on her face.

"It's not even funny, Kee. Are you okay?" I smiled reassuringly at her and patted her cheek "I'm fine, Shen. Come on, you look so ugly in that face" and she smirk again and make face. See, I'm going to miss her. I'll just cherish every moment that I had and will have with my loved ones.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2017 ⏰

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