Chapter 9 - just go away already

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I woke up hot and sweaty in the hospital wing of the castle. I hadn't been here since I was 10 and I had the common cold then. I was a healthy child they told me. The healthiest out of the four of us. My older sister had diabetes, my younger one had weak legs so she couldn't walk for long and my brother had hayfever and asthma. "Nurse! Nurse! she's awake!" cried the young doctor on a internship watching over me. They really knew how to make it like a TV show. "She's awake? Excellent! Saige, give her some hot broth and send her on her way, I have another patient coming in soon who is in dire need of a hospital bed" said a stout bustling woman in a nurse's uniform. "But Mam, she's the princess, she gets priority over everyone else" said Doctor Saige quietly. "Uhh not in my ward, if she broke a leg or something sure, but not because she fainted" argued head nurse. "Oh no not you again" said a voice to my right. It was the male servant. "Excuse me?" said the head nurse trying to recognize him. "You work here and in the kitchens?" asked the servant looking timid. "Whaa... oh dear, no boy, you must mistake me for my daughter, a lot of people do, unfortunately she causes a lot of stress and problems for the castle staff, especially young attractive males, don't look frightened son, I won't tell her you're here, her profession was not my choice, sadly, I wanted her to follow in my footsteps" said the head nurse looking uncomfortable. "You're scared of a maid?" I croaked trying to taunt the servant. "No!" he disagreed. "You cannot lie to royalty!" I commanded making the room shake. "Well then she's back to her old self, better get up dearie" said the head nurse trying to make me get out of her hospital. "Uhh sorry?" said the servant not looking shaken at all. He was so hard to annoy. 

He tried to help me get up by putting one arm around my waist, which I shook off, angrily. "Fine then, most girls would swoon at the thought of me putting..." he tried to make conversation. "SHUT UP!" I roared trying to make him flinch. "Yeah, nah" he started walking away from me at the staircase leaving me to balance myself. "Really? you can't just do that!" I groaned. "But you were just like.... oh never mind princess, how do you want me to help you? carry you? yeah not doing that again" mocked the servant. "Well servant.." I propped myself up by using one of his shoulders for balance. "Really? you're going to call me servant?, Abe, just call me Abe" muttered 'Abe'. "Well then servant Abe, where do you hail from?" I teased. "Do you seriously speak like that? just act more chill, I come from Gwela, near the hills" said Abe. "Cool maybe you should have told me and I would have given you a ride then" I teased. "Didn't need one, my mate gave one to me" said Abe seriously. There was no joking with this guy. Just then I tripped and he caught me. He ended up carrying me down the stairs. At the bottom before he let me go, he stared soulfully into my eyes, a stare caught with suspense and wonder, and maybe a little what if... " Oh sir! your majesty! King Rhett! we were just um" said Abe almost dropping me. And right in front of us was my father staring us down with purpose in his eyes.....

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