Chapter 13 - counting.. counting...counting...

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"You look stunning!" said my mother enthusiastically staring at me in the bright purple gown. It had no sleeves, so it was way out of my comfort zone. "Umm" I replied looking at my knees which were visible. "Come on Cassie, I wear this sort of stuff all the time" mocked Clarissa, standing to one side and smirking at me. She was still partially angry at me for our fight yesterday, and I have to say, I'm actually really surprised. Our fights never last more than a couple of hours  because of how close we are and I'm wondering if I messed up for the last unforgivable time. Maybe I overreacted about Anson, he's not too bad when you think about it.. "Yep" whispered Clarissa walking past me in her 'I belong to the wild' t-shirt and white jeans. Another annoying thing about being super close, was that she could basically read my mind. "Sweetie, you look pretty in everything you wear!" said my mother turning to face us. "What?" me and my sister looked at each other for a confused moment before staring at her in unison. "Clarissa honey, you know you have to wear something simple to your sister's graduation otherwise you'll outstand her! I'm sorry, I know how much you love being pretty" my mother said absently patting my sister on her shoulder with a sympathetic look. "Oh yeah.. I mean I could wear that ugly beige sack dress, Auntie bought me last year" she said turning to mimic mother's sympathetic look. One thing I must say I hate about my sister, is her ability to mimic all our mother's look's. Bad to good ones. Even if Clarissa wore the sack dress, she would still look pretty enough. I could tell mother's thoughts mirrored mine. "Hmm ok, fine" she said smiling up at her new favourite daughter. "I could always get you to try on another dress" said the dressmaker sensing my uncomfortableness. Clarissa let out a snort. "No thanks, I'll take this one" I said staring down at the overdone frilly ruffles that covered my shoulders. My sister snorted louder then started choking much to the dismay of my mother who had to pat her back. 

I had to wear a matching satin robe with gold lace around the edge and a golden square academic cap. Unfortunately they were also a faint shade of purple. "You look absolutely darling!" said tutor Abrielle fussing over me. "Who's your designer? I hope their not too expensive I mean.. I really need a new dress for umm.. my daughter's wedding!" stuttered my blushing tutor. "Oh wow! good luck to your daughter! she's quite young to get married though? I hope you have lots of lovely grandchildren, don't forget to invite me to the wedding" I said as sweetly as I could muster. Tutor Abrielle muttered a reply. I had to walk up to a podium and stand on it with a bunch of purple lavender in my left hand and an ancient Anerbrievien scroll in the other. I awkwardly tried to reach for the microphone 30 cms above my head and a tall stagehand had to  come and pull it down for me. "People of my kingdom, family and friends, thank you for coming to my graduation ceremony" I began, looking around. No one was really paying attention apart from a bunch of boring old court ministers in the front row. I wasn't really surprised. Out of the 1000 we invited from up to the giant wall only 40 people came. They were all afraid that the rebels would launch an attack and I don't blame them, I would be scared too. I continued my super boring speech. Everyone clapped enthusiastically at the end, like they were listening all along. Then I had to throw my hat in the air. Silence filled the hall until it landed on the stone floor with a gentle plop and then the applause came. A confetti cannon went off spraying ugly purple and gold everywhere with a bit of red in the mix. I left the stage and gave my robe to a nearby servant waiting there. I then came back, placed my scroll on the podium and took a deep bow. More applause followed. A priest came onto the stage and christened the scroll 'The papers of Cassandra the 2nd'. Apparently there had been more than one Cassandra of royal status. A beautician specially hired for the event pushed me into a wheelie chair and started redoing my makeup. 

I re entered the hall wearing a white shawl with golden thread weaved through it. People congratulated me on both my accomplishment and my style. The beautician had curled my hair slightly, leaving it loose to move around. She took off my silver eyeshadow and rosy red blush, replacing it with gold eyeshadow and golden glow blush. "You look pretty" said a voice behind me. I turned around to see Abe in a matching golden and white tuxedo. "You really have to stop coming from nowhere" I teased looking him up and down. "What can I say? I'm mysterious" replied Abe, smoothing down his hair. "What's the occasion to get all dressed up?" I asked hand on my chin in a thinking motion. "Oh you know, someone important to me is having a graduation ceremony, no biggie, also your sister lent me some clothes, I think it's that general guy's stuff" he said, pretending to sniff himself. I laughed loudly causing half the room to stare at me. I could tell they wondered who this handsome stranger was, and no one recognised him as the servant from the kitchen. "I need to keep an eye on you" he said linking our arms as a slow music came on. "Because I'm insanely beautiful?" I joked. "No because rebels may attempt to get in to assassinate the royal family, not that you aren't pretty" he replied keeping his eyes on the people around us. We began to dance. He was surprisingly good, better then me. I had trouble keeping up with him. I saw my mother give me a disapproving stare as she dragged my sister along in order to introduce her to a possible suitor. I sighed in my head, she never looked for the best things for me. "Hello there! Queen Magdalene and this is my daughter Princess Clarissa, I see you've already met my other daughter High Princess Cassandra, she's not really interested in courting possible suitors at the moment, but Clarissa is always in the market" she smiled broadly at him. Abe gave my mother a amused smile and looked at my sister with a 'is she for real?' stare. "Oh lovely Queen Magdalene" said Abe causing my mother to giggle a little, "I feel as if my girlfriend would prefer it if I only courted her" he turned to give me  a sneaky grin. I felt my heart beat a little. Was I his girlfriend? "I see, farewell then, my husband needs me at the food table" my mother gave me a smirk and left dragging my sister along, again. Clarissa mimicked a gagging motion. Making me and Abe laugh.

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