Chapter 12 - New activities

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I woke up early, and for some strange reason, expected to see Abe standing around in my room. '5:43' my clock said. I still didn't have to get up for a couple of hours. Yesterday was amazing. Since Abe was my bodyguard he got to sit in the large dining room, nearby for dinner. He kept winking at me and it was hard to contain my giggles. "Who are you smiling at Princess Cassandra?" smirked General Anson. The whole family turned around to look at me. Ugh, the only downside, The head of guards was here. "Definitely not you, we know what you did to the new servant guy" teased Clarissa playing with the ribbons on her 'support the Gwelao homes foundation' white mini tee. "She's not looking at me, but you are" answered Anson tugging her cute blonde french plait. "Will you stop flirting already? its making the whole table sick, plus I know my sis is destined for greater things" I interrupted boldly. My mother made a loud sound in her throat and raised her eyes to meet mine angrily. Well, my mother would be more then happy if Clarissa and Anson got hitched, she'd been promoting them since Anson joined the army. Anson was my parent's favorite solider. My mother, because he was charming and always said the right things, and my father, because he worked hard and always did what he was told ahead of time. Even my annoying, snobby, with high expectations for everyone, little brother loved him, he was a 'great' role model for young boys. While my sister and the general flirted, unknowingly, I just kept smiling at Abe, my Abe.

After a while when it was nearly six, I decided to get up and put on a light grey, short sleeved, wool dress and a heavy dark brown, winter coat. For some reason it was supposed to snow heavily today so I paired it with knee high light brown winter boots and a white woolen scarf one of the ladies from a village had given me from her clothes shop. "Best one I ever made" she had said proudly, glancing at it nestled in my hands. I decided to take the elevator today, since it was much too cold to walk down a whole storey. But before I got in I heard a noise. "Hey! wait up!" called a voice behind me. Abe came running wearing a matching scarf to mine. "Do you stalk me or something?" I asked trying to look serious. "Hah, isn't that what body guards are supposed to do?, Nah, I think you and me got our scarves from the same place, My mama's clothes shop" replied Abe, sweeping one hand nervously through his hair. "What's having a Mama like? well of course I have my mother, but she doesn't really show me much affection" I blurted out, curiously. "She isn't my real mum, but she feels like she is, the way she takes care of me and looks after me..." replied Abe turning around to face away from me. "So you're a orphan then? I'm so sorry for bringing that up" I dumbly said. "Real smooth Cassandra, real smooth" I told myself. "I wouldn't really say it like that, I would say she's in another universe" said Abe fidgeting tremendously.Oh, he means she's dead. "Oh, I get it now" I said understandingly putting a hand on his back. "You do? that's great, no one has really understood me as much as you" he turned back, relieved and leading me down the stairs holding my hands. I immediately warmed up.

"Why are you up so early anyway?" I asked. "I have to wake up at five from now on, ugh what are promotions even for? I still work in the kitchens before you wake up and after you go to sleep" moaned Abe. "I bet its that maid who has a huge crush on you, she is in charge of the whole kitchen, while cook is on strike, poor doctor Libbie having a child like Nichelle" I said shaking my head. "Wait you know them as well?" said Abe sounding surprised. "Yes Abe, I know everyone who's working here, we really don't have that many servants, only 80" I sighed boredly trying to show off at the same time. "Only 80! When I came here a month ago I thought it was like 20! thats how many people I've met so far" said Abe impressed. "Elisquena has like 300" I replied. "Boo Elisquena! more then half their servants are fans in disguise, who just want autographs for free" said Abe over dramatically. I started laughing loudly , my real laugh was horrible, so I tried to shut up quickly. " Your laugh is beautiful, like a thousand silver bells" he said seriously glancing into my eyes. I stared back. The butler to the medium sized dining room cleared his throat disapprovingly and gave Abe a solemn stare. "Uhh yeah, bye Cass.. princess I will see you in half an hour" said Abe moving away to sit on a bench and pulled out a novel. Does he just read when I'm busy? "Princess Cassandra" announced the butler giving me a broad grin. Suck up, I though walking away with my head high. "Hey you" greeted the general, waving over a giant pile of toast. Sigh, this was going to be a long breakfast.

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