Chapter 15 - Queen of all of Anerbriva

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I walked up to the chair, taking short deep breathes like I practiced. It was finally happening. Only three months ago I was freely roaming around villages without a care in the world and worrying over Abe's state of mind at the spring festival. Only now do I realise how little of importance that was. People got out of their seats and kneeled on the ground, bowing their heads towards me. I would never get used to this. My father said he still hadn't and now his reign was over. He would stay in the castle as my advisor. I remembered the practice run I had done with my family. "Deep breathe, remember you are the person who is being given the most amazing gift in the world in front of thousands of people" called out my mother, who for once, was being helpful. "Keep your posture upwards, don't slouch even the slightest" called out my Aunt Elisa. She was not being helpful. "I know what I'm doing" I snapped at her. Aunt Elisa just sighed "Queen's do not talk like that to their subjects, are you sure she's ready?" she asked my father, warily. "I was ready at 19, headstrong as I was, Cassandra reminds me of my younger self, even though I was selfish I still put my people first" said my dad with a knowing expression. I snapped out of the daydream. I was nearly at the throne. Camera crews whirled around me, trying to get the best out of the experience. The fashion programs focused on my dress and shoes, the makeup programs focused on my face with blinding lights and the good-role model-for-a-younger-audience programs focused on my expression and stance. The only thing I was happy about was the fact I wasn't squinting in all this harsh lighting. I could tell the nobles from the common folk who won lotteries. The nobles stared ahead like they were proud of me and knew me well, even if I had only met them today or would meet them after the coronation. The common folk looked excited in their best sunday outfits and their children kept trying to wave to me, I kept fighting the urge to wave back. A queen must be regal. I stood next to the throne and a chorus of 'hail our good queen' began. That song was nearly 100 years old. My great grandfather made it up and a male equivalent of 'hail our great king' . After it was sung at least three times, I gave the crowd a smile and a wave and sat down. A priest came forward and handed me a sceptre and a copy of the Anerbrivian great rulebook, fancy first edition. He sprayed some holy water on my face. 

"Do you Queen Cassandra believe in upholding the tradition and creating and innovating to help all your subjects?" He asked. 

"I do" 

"Do you promise to act fairly and equally with integrity among your followers and follow all the rules in the Anerbrivian rulebook for as long as you rule?" 

"I do"

Will you teach your people the ways of righteousness and show them the path to ultimate success?"

"I shall" 

The priest reached behind the throne to access a secret compartment where they put the crown. He put the crown atop my head and said "I now pronounce you Queen Cassandra of Anerbriva...". He was silenced by a couple of gunshots. "Too late, Mr priest, she's still a princess, well forever in my eyes" cackled a loud voice at the back of the room. Loud mouth was wearing a short black skirt and tall black boots with huge stiletto heels. Unfortunately her face was also plastered in bright pink makeup and her hair had been badly dyed blonde. None of these features suited her, as she might have been close to sixty something and she seemed to be aging rapidly. I recognized her face from somewhere though... now I remember. My dreams. 

I remember, not so fond memories of a lady trying to feed me as a baby,  some green liquid. "Not my numnum" I protested trying to spit it out. "DRINK IT" screeched a middle aged lady pulling open my mouth. I kept fighting until a young maid came. "Lady Cant... oh my!" she took one look at me and my nursemaid, and fled. You should be helping me, I remember thinking. Soon lady Cantrice gave up and opened the window. "This isn't the last of me, bubba, when your sister's born, hopefully I'll have more success with her, but for now, bye-bye, say bye-bye Cassandra" lady Cantrice shrieked climbing out of the window. I blew a raspberry at her. "Spoilt brat" she muttered. We later found out, lady Cantrice was part of a cult who where trying to get all of Anerbriva to fall in love with their new drink 'Merewade' they tried to get me to drink it and film it as their new advertisement. Unfortunately that drink had unhealthy toxins and poison in it such at illegal drugs and other substances. "Completely unsafe for a child, could have killed her" said the palace doctor, shaking his head angrily. 

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