27 (Fuck How Much I Procrastinate)

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Brendon: what do you mean?????


Tyler: He's alive... for now at least:/

Brendon: What happened? He always seems so happy??

Ryan: yeah I never thought he was depressed???

Tyler: some people are better than others at hiding how they feel... Josh was good at it most of the time... occasionally he would hint at something else, but I didn't ever expect this... I should have gotten him help... I knew something was up... I feel so bad I could've stopped this

Brendon: Don't blame yourself Tyler, it's nobody's fault... All we can do is hope for the best, and get him help and give him love once he gets out

Ryan: Stay strong, you guys are in our thoughts... when we're allowed to visit him, let us know and we'll be over when we can

Tyler: Thank you guys


So umm... about what is happening in this... this is not what I was planning on at all, I wrote the last chapter when I was in a really bad mindstate, so that was reflected through the chapter and now I have to roll with it... whoops... note to self, don't write while you're upset unless you plan on something bad happening.

Also, HELP ME! I've been procrastinating to do my homework all weekend and now I have four chapters and notes due second period and I haven't even started reading... and I would do it now, but I haven't gotten a proper night of sleep for a week because I've been sick, so I'm extremely tired and can't focus... ugh.

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