34 (Last Chapter Because I'm So Done With Everything)

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Yay an actual update! Go Jordan!

"Hello?" Tyler and Josh ask in unison as they crack the door to their house open. They know that Brendon and Ryan are there, but they have not completely prepared themselves for whatever the two boys had planned. Their greeting was not returned by anyone, complete silence ensued for several seconds, before Tyler and Josh started slowly walking through their house.

"Is anybody home?" Tyler questioned as they continued walking. Everything seemed normal, nothing was out of place or anything. "Maybe they left?" Josh replied in a questioning manner. The two were both extremely confused, as Ryan and Brendon had been building this up for the past 3 hours.

"Wait, did you just see that?" Tyler asked, nudging Josh in the side. "What?" Josh muttered, eyes darting around the room. "I saw something move outside," Tyler replied, grabbing Josh's hand as he drags him to the backyard.


Josh falls on the floor from surprise, as Tyler just stands there, laughing and clapping as he sees Brendon, Ryan, and several of Tyler and Josh's other friends standing around the backyard, with red and blue decorations everywhere. A large banner hung across two trees that read WELCOME BACK, JOSH!

After recovering from the surprise, which Josh does not deal well with, he stands up before hugging Brendon and Ryan. "You guys didn't need to do anything oh my gosh," Josh whispers to the two singers. On the outside, Josh was pretty calm, but on the inside he was completely freaking out. Standing in front of him were Brendon Urie and Ryan Ross, two musicians he looked up to greatly.

The party went on for a few hours. It consisted of playing games, getting drunk, and eating a lot. As the day continued, Josh started getting more and more comfortable being around Brendon and Ryan, slowly realizing that they're just like they were when he was texting them.

"Have a good night!" Ryan exclaimed as him and Brendon were walking out of the house. "You too!" Josh replied with a small chuckle, before grabbing Tyler's hand. "C'mon, lets go celebrate my arrival on our own now!" He smirked, dragging Tyler into the bedroom.

Josh was genuinely laughing and having fun. Although he still had issues, being surrounded by people who genuinely loved him and cared about him made him feel better. Knowing that people wanted him alive and were hurting when he didn't want to made him feel like he had a reason to stay. He had a beautiful boyfriend who he loved with all his heart, amazing friends, and so much to live for.

The end.


So the last paragraph may be a quiet shoutout from me to all of my amazing friends who have been here for me through all of my shit. I love you guys, you keep me alive. I want you guys to always know that I want you guys here and I wouldn't be here without you.

So that was the end of the book! I hope you guys enjoyed it! I might do a sequel, I'm not 100% sure yet.

I'm also thinking of republishing You Won't Lose Me, And I Won't Let You Go. My personal issues shouldn't prevent you guys from reading a book that I was honestly very proud of. Also, I think I need to just get over this, and I think pretending like I don't care might help a little.

I should be back to a normalish writing schedule again soon, it just depends on school and dance. I'm hoping to write for The Deadly Duo hopefully either today or tomorrow, but I can't promise anything.

Do you have any requests of any stories you'd like me to start? I like to have two ongoing stories, so I'm either going to do a sequel, or start a new story. Which would you rather?

Okay. That's the end. Thank you for 9K!!!! What the heck!!! That's so close to 10K. I never thought I would even get 1K. I love you.

Stay alive, not just today, but tomorrow too. Don't let the haters get you down. You're going to prove them wrong one day. Even if that hater is yourself, you'll prove yourself wrong.



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