Chapter 6

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Sabine moved Marinette inside and into her room. "Marinette, sweetie, tell me what happened?" Marinette just cried harder and Sabine held her close. She told her everything was going to be fine and to tell her when she was ready. Marinette silenced to a sniffle as Sabine wiped away her tears. "Tell me what happened?"

"A-A-A-Adrien ch-ch-cheated on m-m-m-me." Marinette sniffled and Sabine pursed her lips.

"He would never do that honey. It's probably just a big misunderstanding." Sabine hugged her again. "Stay here tonight and in the morning we'll take you back so you can talk this though okay?"

"O-o-okay." Marinette sniffled. Sabine kissed her forehead and walked out of her room, closing the trapdoor behind her. Marinette lied down on her bed, wanting, pleading, begging for his touch, his heat, his love but how could she want that. He cheated on her with another, pretty, popular, has a name girl.

Adrien paced the apartment, thinking of ways to go to her and not make her angrier with Ninos help, even though every plan was failing horribly. "I need to get her back Nino. Think harder!"

"I'm trying dude but it's hard! Alya has been my only girlfriend so I don't know how to get one back!" Nino ran his hand through his hair.

"I can't lose her." Adrien shook his head.

Nino phone buzzed. "Well I gotta go. Alyas texting me none stop and telling me to get Ben and Jerry's and movies. Later." Before Adrien could get a word in Nino bolted out of the door and out of the apartment complex. Adrien groaned in frustration as he paced his apartment back and fourth.

"Claws Out!" Adrien yelled in anger. He ran across rooftops all the way to the familiar bakery. He looked through her window and saw her curled up by her computer desk. She was crying into her knees.

Alya was muttering something to herself while she waited for Nino. "That damn bastard!" She growled and clothed he;r phone in her hand. "He gets you pregnant and then leaves you! That mother fucker!"

"Alya calm down." Marinette sniffled. "It's just how life goes."

"But it's totally unfair girl!" Alya growled and Marinette cried harder. Marinette didn't know what to do anymore. She wanted to believe him but part of her told her not too. "He's an ass!  He leaves you for another girl when you are your most vulnerable!"

"I-it's fine Alya."

"No it's not! He's a mother fucking bitch ass dick!" Marinette laughed lightly. "He doesn't deserve you!"

"Maybe we were meant to be like this." Marinette looked at her hands and Chat saddened. What was he going to do?  Go home. He had no right hurting her like this so he'll give her time and space then come back tomorrow with a speech to give her about how much he loved her and not Riley.

He landed on the balcony and walked into the apartment and detransformed. He collapsed on the couch and Plagg flew off to god only knows. There was a knock on his door and he debated on getting it or not, but ended up getting it. He opened the door and growled when he saw her. "Hey Adrien. Gabriel wanted me to-"

"This is all your fault."  Adrien growled in a low tone. Half of him said it was her fault while the other half told him it was his fault.

"W-w-what's my fault?" Riley nervously laughed.

"You're the reason my fiancée left." He poked his finger to her chest. In anyone's eyes, this was completely out of character for him and Riley, oh god! Riley thought she was going to die with this new attitude he had on.

"I-I'm s-sorry but I d-didn't even k-know you h-h-had a fiancée un-until this a-afternoon." She sheepishly smiled at the aggravated boy. "W-what happened?"

"She left me because of this!" Adrien harshly turned into the apartment. Riley soon following, not leaving until she got the full story. He sat on the couch and put his head in his hands. "Because of this stupid fake relationship."

"You could've just told her it was fake." Riley sat next to him.

"I tried but she just yelled at me and I responded in anger and.." Adrien sighed. "I miss her. Without her around I feel lost and now that she's actually gone I feel like I'm just going in circles in a maze."

"You really love her don't you?" Adrien nodded and took a deep breath in. "Then go talk to her. I'm sure that she'll understand if you talk to her. For now just give her an hour or two and then you can go to wherever she went and apologize."

"Th-that's a really good idea." Adrien smiled weakly. "Thanks."

"It's no problem." Riley smiled and her phone buzzed. "Oh uhm I came over here because Gabriel wanted us to go to the mansion for something important." Adrien nodded and they went to the mansion and it was only a short walk. They walked inside the mansion to find Sarah and Gabriel at the top of the stairs.

"What do you need Father?" Adrien spat out.

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