Chapter 13

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They pulled up to the mansion and Adrien helped Max get Jolene into her pajamas and into her bed.  They walked to Adriens room and Adrien took off his shirt. "You're a real idiot you know that right?" Max laughed and leaned against the doorframe.

Adrien sat on the edge of his bed, his clock light up with red of the time. 1:34. He groaned and fell back against the bed and Max smiled a little. "What's wrong with me. This is why I stayed away from alcohol!"

"I can see that now." Max laughed. "You're still an idiot. Your brain should've told you that was wrong and that you have a girlfriend."

"But she's not just my girlfriend. She's my best friend and I asked her to marry me on the last day and she said yes."

"Okay and?" Max gestured for him to continue.

"She's pregnant." Adrien muffled into his hands and Max's jaw dropped. "We got in a fight, I went to apologize and was pulled away from her and now she's probably thinking about aborting it since we talked about what was best for us."

Max inhaled sharply.  "Well, you just gotta have faith that she won't. Get some sleep. We don't have a photoshoot until Monday but I would sleep off the hangover in case we have a surprise." He left the room and Adrien changed into sweatpants and went to bed.


She jolted up in the bed with beads of sweat rolling down her face. She looked around and noticed she wasn't in the apartment or her room. She got out of bed and walked into the living room where Ryan was passed out on the couch. She just met him but felt like she could trust him with anything. "Uh Ryan?" He slowly sat up and looked at her.

"What happened? Are you okay?" He looked at her worried. He felt like he needed to take care of her like a wife.

"I-I'm fine. I just had a nightmare. T-that's all." Marinette turned pink. Why was she telling a complete stranger this?

"What was it about?" Ryan stood up and walked over to her.

"I-i-it's n-nothing. I'll go back to bed."  Marinette walked back into the bedroom but Ryan followed.

"It's not nothing. Even if we just met I care about your well being and the being growing in you. Stress is bad for a baby."

"I just had a dream that my boyfriend, got killed." Marinette choked back tears and he ran over to her and held her.

"But he's not and okay. That's all that matters."

"He's in Italy so I wouldn't even know." Marinette cried into his shoulder.

"Why the hell is he in Italy when your in a state like this!" He grabbed her by the shoulders.

"He was forced to leave to Italy. He didn't want to go." Marinette sniffled and Ryan hugged her again.

"Go back to sleep and in the morning I'll take you to your parents or do you have an apartment you want me to take you too?"

"My parents would be better." Marinette got back in bed. Ryan nodded and smiled at her. He started to walked back to the living room when she grabbed his hand out of reflexes. "C-can you stay?" She blushed and he smiled again just smaller.

"Uh sure?" He chuckled lightly and lied down next to her. He wrapped an arm around her and she moved into his chest and they fell asleep.

With The Class~~

"Okay so she's gone missing again." Alix paced the living room with the class trying to find her. Max took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes and put them back on. He hacked into Adriens phone by accident.

"That's Adriens phone." Rose giggled.

"Woops." Max sighed and started to unhack it when Kim stopped him and they listened in.

"Are we seriously going to do this again?" Everyone nodded and Nathanael sighed.  The camera and speakers were hacked into again.

"Adrien." Jolene whispered. "Adrien!"  She said a little louder.

"What Jolene." Adrien spat out.

"I got ice cream. Wanna talk about the fight you had with your girly friend." She sat down on his bed and Adrien groaned and sat up. He turned on his light and took a pint from her.  "Wanna talk about it?"

"Not really." Adrien sighed. "I just miss her. I knew not telling her was wrong but I didn't want her to think I was falling for Riley while it was happening. I like Marinette, not Riley."

"Anything else before I ask Max?" Jolene smirked.

"She's my fiancée and pregnant and I'm scared that she'll abort the baby while I'm gone. I don't even know if we're dating anymore after that fight." Adrien sighed and Jolene pursed her lips.

"Well I'm sure the time apart will be good for you both to think and you just need to have faith that she won't abort it. Now get rid of your hangover 'cause we're going to a carnival tomorrow."

"Do you ever stop moving?" Adrien chuckled.

"I have insomnia and ADD so no."  Jolene smiled and left his room and Adrien sighed. He lied down on his bed and turned the light off.

"I love you Marinette." He whispered before he fell asleep.

"Oh now hack Marinettes!" Alix smirked and Max did it.

"Uh Ryan?" Marintte whispered and turned on the light.

"Did you have another nightmare?" Ryan sat up.

"N-no it's just I can't stop thinking about Adrien. What if he cheats on me while he's in Italy. Every girl is better then me."

"Don't say that. You're beautiful and coming from me that should mean a lot since I don't say it much." Marinette smiled at him.  "You just need to have faith that he won't cheat on you. In the morning I'll take you to your parents and you should try calling him."

"O-o-okay." Marinette turned the light off and her and Ryan laid back down and he fell asleep soon after. "I love you Adrien." Marinette whispered before falling asleep. Max unhacked her phone and looked at Alix.

"We need to get these dorks back together."

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