Chapter 33

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Adrien woke up and nearly jumped out of bed when he saw Marinette wasn't there.  He ran around the apartment, Tikki and Plagg laughing while he was running around looking for his wife. "Adrien what're you doing?" Tikki giggled.

"Looking for my pregnant wife!" He looked in the kitchen.

"Kitty calm down I'm fine." Marinette giggled in the doorway while he was searching through cupboards. He jumped up and hugged her tight.

"I thought you were kidnapped again or hurt and I can't live with that." He nuzzled his head into her neck and she giggled and hugged him back.

"I'm fine Kitty and Alya and Nino are here to take us to a house. Why didn't you tell me?" She let go of the hug.

"I forgot." Adrien nervously laughed and scratched the back of his head.

"Well go get dressed and we'll go."  Adrien nodded and took a shower and got dressed into a pink shirt, blue jeans, black tennis shoes and a black hoodie. Marinette wore a black shirt, blue jeans, black boots, a white over shirt and her hair down.  "Ready?" She asked as he walked over to her by the door.

"I guess."  Adrien laughed and took her hand in his and walked out the door to Ninos car. They got in and sat in the back as Nino drove to the house they found. "So why is this house so perfect?" Adrien laughed.

"Because of the space it has." Alya smiled as they pulled into the long driveway. Marinette lifted å brow as they stopped at the front of the house and all got out.

"Well it certainly big." Marinette giggled.

"It's a three story house with twenty three bedrooms, fourteen bathrooms and six half bathrooms." Alix walked down to the car.

"Why're you here?" Marinette hugged her.

"Because with a house this big you'll need roommates and people to help you with the child." Rose giggled.

"What if we don't want help?" Adrien raised a brow.

"You won't want it, you'll need it." Mylene crossed her arms.  "Let us show you your room and the babies room."

"We haven't even bought the house." Adrien laughed as they followed the class up the stairs to the house.

"Well the thing is, we all bought it." Nino nervously laughed.

"What! You didn't have to!" Marinette gasped.

"We wanted to. It's obvious Adrien won't tell his dad about you yet and when he does he sure as he'll isn't going to let you stay in the mansion so we thought we could get one where your surrounded by love twenty four seven." Alya smiled.

"Thank you, all of you but this big a house isn't necessary."

"Of course it's necessary!" Kim slung his arm over Marinettes shoulder earning a small growl from Adrien. "How else are your babysitters going to take care of your baby?"

"Babysitters?" Adrien lifted a brow.

"We are your official babysitters." Juleka smiled. "Your personal babysitters I might add."

"You guess just want to live in a place were you're taken care of, don't ya." Marinette crossed her arms.

"Why can you read my mind." Alya shuck her head as a car rolled into the driveway. "Everyone's here right?"

Everyone nodded and Adrien pushed Marinette behind him and she didn't mind and held onto the back of his hoodie. "Adrien." Her cold voice spoke as she left the car. The class lined up in front of him.

"You're not taking him this time." Nino growled.

"That is not what I'm here for." Nathalie closed the car door and walked forward.

"How did you even now he was here?" Alya crossed her arms.

"I have a tracker in his phone." Adrien pulled out his phone and glared at her. "Now, may I talk to him and Miss Marinette without getting killed?"

"You have three minutes with us here and from that distance."  Nathanael glared at her.

Nathalie shrugged and went on her tablet. "The next doctors appointment for the baby is in two hours at the normal hospital and the pictures of the last appointment have been developed."  She pulled out a yellow envelope and hesitantly gave it to Adrien.

Adrien opened it and pulled out the picture and Marinette gasped when she saw it and awed at the same time.  "Is that all Nathalie?" She asked.

"Mr.Agreste would like to see Adrien in twenty minutes to discuss something.  He did not tell me the reason."

"Well I'm not going until I get a reason." Adrien crossed his arms while Marinette was still gazing at the picture of her unborn child.

Nathalie scrolled on her tablet. "Your wedding with Miss Riley Harts."

"I'm not marrying her. Tell him that." Adrien growled and glared at Nathalie. "You can go now."

"Your Father would not approve of this-"

"He wouldn't approve of any of this but it's my life and I can do whatever I want.  I want to live here with my friends and family and my actual wife." Adrien growled.

"Your Father-"

"My Father could care less about my happiness." Marinette saw him starting to get angry.

"Adrien, calm down." Marinette begged and he nodded and calmed down.  "Adrien isn't seeing anyone at the moment and we really should be seeing this house." Marinette nervously laughed as another car pulled into the driveway.

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