Chapter 35

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Alya glared at Gabriel with the same burning hate as Adrien. Adrien, Alya and Gabriel started yelling at each other. Marinette bit her lip and closed her eyes. "All of you stop." They all looked at the small girl. "Gabriel, Adrien should live his own life, Alya butt out of their problems, and Adrien, calm down. You don't need to be as angry as you are."

"Sorry Mari." Alya and Adrien sheepishly smiled.

"Don't say sorry to me. Say sorry to the class who is very entertained by all of this." Marinette pointed to the class who was videotaping the argument.

"Why'd you stop it."  Kim whined.

"Because it isn't healthy for me to be around this much anger! Now if you excuse me I have a doctors appointment and Nino is going to be driving me!"

"Mari p-"

"Don't 'Mari' me." Marinette pocked Adriens chest. "While I'm gone fix things with your Father. Alya butt out of there problems and Mr.Agreste let Adrien live his life."

"Marinette don't-"

"Don't what! Don't get into your fight? Well I have too! If you need me I'll be at the hospital. Let's go Nino."

"If I go I think Adrien will kill me." Nino gulped at Adriens glare on him.

"He won't kill you, I will. Let's go."  Marinette gritted her teeth and Nino followed her to his car and took off to the hospital. When the house was out of view Marinette sighed. "Those people."

"What about 'em?"

"They're a mess. If I hadn't stepped in Adrien and Alya would've clawed out Gabriel's eyes."

"Isn't that a good thing." Nino chuckled and Marinette glared at him.  "Calm down Mari.  I was kidding and this much stress is bad for your baby."

"Right, the baby." Marinette sighed.  They stopped at a red light and Nino looked at Marinette.

"You still want it, right?"

"N-not really. But Adrien does and I don't know what to do.  He said he would support my decision but what if I make the wrong one."

"Sometimes you have to think of yourself before others.  I know that's hard for you but sometimes you have too."

"I know but what if I don't make the right decision. What would you do if you were me?"

"Well I'm not you.  I don't have a fucking uterus." Nino laughed. "But if I was in your shoes and I had a child I didn't necessarily want then I would think of the pros and cons of having one but also think of my future." The light turned green and Nino started driving again.

"But I want to make others happy."

"But you need to make yourself happy first. I'm not really the guy to talk to about this Mari since one, I'm not a girl, two I don't have a uterus and third I never really was supportive of you guys and this kid since you're so young but if your happy I don't care."

Marinette thought about what he was saying. "If I didn't want to baby, should I tell Adrien first?"

"Let's just get thought this appointment first and then you can talk to him about it." Nino pulled up to the hospital and they got out and walked to the room they were suppose to be at. Marinette lied down on the table and Nino sat next to her and went on his phone.

"You're really insensitive you know." Marinette giggled.

"How?"  Nino put his phone away.

"You go on your phone instead of talking."

"I don't like talking. You saw me in high school. Adrien brought me out of my shell."

"Yeah. You were so quiet and kept to yourself." Marinette sighed. "Should I talk to him about this?"

"I told you, after the appointment, think about it and then tell him the decision. Keep or abort but honestly Mari, you could just give it up for adoption or find people who want a baby."

"If I do that they might not treat it right."

"So keep it honestly I don't care. Your body, your life, your decisions, your baby. Just talk it over with Adrien before you do anything you'll regret." The doctor walked in a few minutes later and the baby was perfectly fine. They left the hospital and went back to the house.

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