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"Come out of there, and stop following me like a creep"

He got out from behind the tree

"Alright alright, you caught me"

I started to walk away, opposite direction of his. He followed right behind

"What are you doing here?"

He asked, I didn't answer

"Guess I'll have to learn the hard way, by the way, names sans..."


Is all I replied before going into another store.

There were knife sets everywhere. I looked around and saw one in particular that I liked. It was medium and it had three holes going down the handle

[like the one in the pic before]

I grabbed it and paid for it walking out swishing it in my hands practicing some tricks I learned a while ago

"I never thought you were the crazy kind"

There was a long pause before I asked

"Why are you following me?"

"I already told you, I'm tormenting you"

I kept walking going into another store. But this one had clothes and dresses

"Your going to buy a dress now"

He chuckled

"What'cha up to kid?"

I looked around the store ignoring his comment. I looked for a dress for what I was planning.

I ended up trying so many dresses on that I never like. I was about to give up when sans asked to see me

"No, your just here to "torment me" and I don't want you to make fun of me"

"Come on, I want to see what you have on and get this over with"

I came out with a simple light blue dress that was short from the front and long from the back

//pic above\\

"Buy that one, it looks good on you"

I looked at myself again and decided to buy it along with high heals. Once I got into the changing room again I heard people from outside ask if he was alright.

Apparently he was having a really bad nose bleed

I got back into my usual clothes and paid for the dress.

It was almost 8:00, the time I needed to kill the guy.

"Is your house near by?"

I asked sans as he looked over at me

"Yeah, it's right ahead"

"I need to change, can I use your bathroom?"

"Why not..."

Once we got there I went strait to the bathroom and changed into my clothes putting on the gun holster and the knife holster.

I left the gun holster that went around my waist in a plastic bag along with my clothes.

I got out of the bathroom and headed out, but without hearing a loud scream

"It's a human"

I twisted around to see a tall skeleton beside sans holding a little girl

"Human, my name is papyrus, and this is frisk"

He pointed at the little girl which had a high school outfit on.

I waved at them

"Human you must stay..."

I didn't say anything, I was very confused

"Look paps, we have a party to crash and we have no intentions for being late"

I shot my gaze towards him. How did he know I was going to a party? Maybe the dress gave me away?

He waved them goodbye and left, I following behind.

"Look, this party is vip and if your not on the list, they will kick you out, so you better stay home"

"Don't worry about me, I have my ways"

I groaned and kept walking. Once we reached the 'MTT elegant party', I saw the longest line ever to exists.

I saw a limo pull up, which seemed like they were important, and opened the door once it stopped

"Hi, you are..."


"Oh! Mellen, come with me. The boss order to get you through the secret way"

"Wait why?"

"He said it was safer that way, there are people here looking to kill you"

"Alright, as long as he ordered it"

I pulled out my knife and stabbed him before he could realize what was going on

"Why'd you do that for?"

I searched him and found a V.I.P pass. I grabbed it and whiped the blood off my knife with the guys clothes

"That's just disrespectful"

"V.I.P, here I come, told you you needed a pass"

I went up to the security guard and showed him the pass, they blocked sans way but he showed him a pass and they let him through

"I have my own little tricky too"

I groaned and walked into the crowd of dancing monsters

Lost In The Eyes Of The Enemy    [mafiatale Sans X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now