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I started looking for the guy and I found him standing at a bar. I grabbed a bottle of beer and walked over to him

"Hey big boy *hic* wanna have some fun"

I said in his ear giggling

"What's your name?"

"My name? It's jenny, but you can call me what ever you want..."

I giggled again putting my leg on him holding his neck. He looked over my shoulder and saw sand

"Who is that guy?"

I looked behind me I quickly thought of something

"Who is he....? Oh yeah... hes... he's my body gourd"

I said in a drunken way

"Wanna dich him?!"

I said bitting my lip and giggling again

He pulled my hand and we left running through the the back of the party

We were now in the back of the building in an ally.

"This is my first time with a human, how about we go to my place.."

He said in my ear. I pushed him to the ground and pulled out my gun

"Sorry dude, but this is my job...."

I shot him and pulled out my camera taking a picture. I looked at the picture and turned around finding sans behind me

"That was good, most people would have just said I was a stranger"

"Yeah, well I'm not most people"

"You should get-

Suddenly, before he could finish his sentence we were both covered with a bag and thrown into a van

"What the fuck, who is this! Let us out!"

Sans yelled over and over again kicking the vans side doors. We were somehow tied up, everything happened so quickly

"Stop that! It's not going to do anything. Just stay calm and do whatever they say, maybe we can find a way out"

"Stay calm?!?! How can you say that, aren't you scared?"

"Yes I am"

"Oh that's a great way of getting fucking scared!"

"I'm trying to stay cool but you are making it worse. Why don't you shut up and stop being a pussy and start being a man for once!"

I yelling finally snapping at him. He stopped kicking and calmed down. The doors to the van opened after a while and we were pulled out and tied to a chair.

They finally removed the bag from our face and I could see we were in an abandoned building.

"An abandoned building, very cliché if you ask me"

A dog punched me right in my jaw, I could also see that there was a cat, a bunny, and an alligator surrounding us

"Shut up!"

"Alright alright, just don't get your tale in a twist"

He punched me again

"Hehe, you really have to cool down and relax dog, we are friends, no need for all this hostility"

He pulled my hair back

"Shut up before I sow that mouth shut!"

He let me go and I spit out blood away from Sans.

Lost In The Eyes Of The Enemy    [mafiatale Sans X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now