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Once I could see what was going on, the guy pulled me close to him as a tango song came on. I was in shock as I danced with him, following the simple steps he was leading.

Once I saw sans, I got out of the trance and pushed him away. I walked away along side of sans

"Hey girl, I can show you a good time"

I turned around to see the guy along with big body guards. I looked him up and down and kept walking away ignoring him

He grabbed my arm, preventing me from going anywhere

"Come and dance with me"

He demanded

"And why should I?!"

"Look honey, everyone does what I say, and when I say, so why don't you come with me and dance the easy way?!"

"Oh... so is that like a metaphor..."

"...yeah you could say that..."

"Oh well I'm more of a literal gal, and when I do this"

I grabbed his wrist, twisting it behind him and pushed his face down on the table that was beside us

His body guard reached for their guns but sans pulled his out before they could even touch theirs

"This is me saying I 👏🏻 will 👏🏻 literally 👏🏻break 👏🏻 your 👏🏻 shit 👏🏻 off 👏🏻 if you touch me one more time.... m'kay pumpkin?"

I let him go with a shove and left out along with sans.

"Dude that was cool....."

I looked over at him and blushed


"It's just a good thing I was there to keep the guards away, you know..."

He puffed out his chest and held out his arms like he had big muscles

"Haha, very funny. But we have to figure out how to take this off of us"

"We can go to alphys tomorrow"

"Isn't she the scientists? How is she going to help?"

"She's smart, she may come up with something..."

"Not to sure about that, she's a scientist not a technician"

He rolled his eyes and chuckled. My phone rang, it was toriel. I picked up the phone reading the message

It was a picture of a girl with a message under it

<she is Toms girl, kill her, she betrayed me.

Got it>

<have you killed the other guy I told you?

I sent her a picture of the dead guy

Killed him sooner then expected >

<good work, you'll get the money once you return

I closed the phone and put it in my pocket

"Who was that?"

"Toriel, I have a job. Let's go"

I walked the other direction as sans followed me

We went into a store which sold sexy stuff

"Why are we in here?"

Lost In The Eyes Of The Enemy    [mafiatale Sans X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now