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"Everone, get on the ground!!"

I yelled at the guards pulled out their guns, I was ready to shoot. I pulled on the trigger as sans brought out his machine gun.

Everone died, except the people who actually got on the ground and didn't have a gun.

We ran into the next room and busted the door open. We found a guy, he's back facing us and I pushed him to the ground and put a gun to his head

"Get off of me!"

He yelled

"Why should I you pedo"

"I swear, I'm not the one ya looking for!"

I twisted him around and it was sans.... well it wasn't him, but it was another one

"What the hell?!"

I helped him up

"Who are you?"

"I'm sans, from underfell, but you can call me fell or edge"

He winked at me with his shiny golden tooth showing.

Sans stood in front of me, between us

"What do you want? Where'd you come from?"

"I'm want nothing, and i dont know myself, one minute I was at my house, the other I was here in a blink of an eye"

He looked down at the metal object that was around our wrist

"I see that you are chained up together"

He said pointing to it

"I can help"

I gave him my hand with the bracelet, and he held it

"But it's getting to hurt, I'm going to have to pop your thumb"

I nodded, wanting to get rid of the object already. He put his hand on my thumb and my wrist, he quickly pulled my thumb dislocating it

I screamed and the bracelet slid right off. He placed my thumb back into its original positing as it cracked. A tear slid down my face and sans wiped it away

I looked at my wrist which had a bruise on it and rubbed it.

"I'm free!"

I screamed

Sans just took off his hand and it fell right off. I stared at him dumbfounded

"Are you fucking kidding me, you could have done that from the beggining?!

"I wanted to spend more time with you, that's all..."

I groaned and noticed that there weren't any children in the room

"They must have taken them some place else"

I said to sans

"It was nice meting you fell, but we have to get going and thank you again for the help"

We walked away but fell stopped us

"Wait, can I come with, I don't have a place to stay, and-"

"Yeah, sure, as long as sans is ok with it"

I looked over at him


"Ok well, that's a no... how about you come with me then.... I don't have a place to stay so I'll have to get an apartment, you can be my room mate"

Fells p.o.v

"Yes, why not"

"See you later sans... maybe I'll see you again, hopefully not in a battle"

Lost In The Eyes Of The Enemy    [mafiatale Sans X Reader]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant