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[F/B = favorite band]

I woke up to my phone ringing


I picked it up

"Who is it?!"

I groaned into the phone

"Hey, Y/N... would you like to go to Grillbies with me?"

I quickly sat up and cleared my throat

"Yeah, no yeah..... I want to go, just give me like... ten minutes and I'll be right over"

"Ten?! Most girls get ready in an hour..."

"Do you want me to take an hour?"

I giggled

"See you in a bit...."

"It's a date...."

I hug up not realizing what i said and bit my lip.... something about him made me feel happy. I smiled and got up brushing my hair.

I put on a black long sleeve shirt under a white F/B shirt. I put on skinny jeans with black conversation and wrapped a black, red, gray, and white squared botton up shirt around my waist

//pic above\\

I have bought alot of clothes since I had gotten to the underground, and this outfit was my favorite out of all of them.

No one has seen it on me, I was saving it for a special occasion, and this occasion was more then spacial.

I just needed to look for my F/C beanie. I looked all over my room and I couldn't find it.

I had 5 minutes left.

I went to the living room where fell was sitting. I looked on the counters and in the sofa.

"Have you seen my beanie?"

"No, where are you going dressed like that..."

"Are you sure you haven't seen it, I have like, two minutes left"

"No.... just go without it, you look fine"

I sighed and calmed down

"Where are you going?"

He asked again, I turned to look at him

"I'm going on a date...!"

I said singing it a little. His eyes turned fully black

"I'm happy for you..."

"Actually..... he didn't realy ask me out, he just said that we should hang out..."

"So it's not a date!"

I sat down criss-cross on the floor

"I guess not..."

I put my hands on my face holding it.

"It's ok pet"

"It's just wish... someone would like me... not in a friendship way, you know what I mean?"

"Yeah, I know what you mean... but aren't you going to be late?"

"Does it matter, it's not a date"

I groaned some more....

"Am I always going to be lonly forever...?"

I groaned 'Oh my god' putting my face in my hands. Then, after alot of whining, I got up and left to Grillbies

I reached sans four minutes late.... he was sitting in a booth and he was wearing a white button up shirt, and black vest and black dressing pants.

Lost In The Eyes Of The Enemy    [mafiatale Sans X Reader]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant