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Once we reached toms, the guards stopped us.

"Who are you"

I was going to say that we were guests of times but sans interrupted me

"We are Toms dealer, I'm james, and this is Sarah, let us in before jenny gets involved"

"Who's jenny"

The body guard on the left asked

"You don't know who Jenny is... now your going to tell me who Hanna is arent'cha?"


"You guys are going to be in big trouble if Pablo finds out. You know he hates when people forget"


"Ok let's cut to the crap and let us in before Ken comes out and fires you, literally"

They stepped aside, confused and dumbfounded, we walked in going into a corridor

"Did you just make up all those names? Or are they real?"

"Be real, do you really think I know these people"

I just giggled and followed him finally reaching an office.

"Hi, tom"

The girl saw me with wide eyes and panicked, quickly getting of his lap and adjusting her dress

"Who's are you, what do you need?"

I pulled out my guns and the guards pull out their guns

"Don't worry, I'm not here for you tom, I want your girl, she betrayed toriel, and that is a no no for her"

I shot two guard out of four and jumped over the desk following sans as the girl left running.

The guards took cover and we were now in a shooting

"If this is your way of getting your target, you need more practice"

Sans yelled over the sound of bullets. I just grunted and rolled my eyes grabbing Tom who was not to far from us

"Hold your fire!"

I yelled, they stopped and i jumped out from behind the desk and i held a gun up to Tom

"Don't move or I'll shot him... drop the guns!"

They dropped them kicking them towards me. Sans took them and shot them as we walked out the office, Tom crawling under his desk

We ran after the girl which was in a room along with 8 to 15 year old girls. Once I saw her I shot as the other girl screamed of terror

"Why are they here?"

Sans asked

"I don't know..."

"Umm... great Y/N, you shot the person who could answer our question"

I ignored him and kneeled down to one of the little girls

"Hey, why are you here?"

She didn't answer she was in shock and most of them were in some type of drug making them zombi like

I walked out and went into the office to find Tom still under the desk. I grabbed him from the collar and picked him up

"Why are there so many girls in that room"

He laughed at me, but didn't answer. I pushed him

"Why are they here!!!"

I punched him again and again until he put his hand up to block the punches.

"We... prostitute them"

He could barely speak

"How could you do that to children!!!!!"

My temper was going up, my face felt hot, my anger was in a whole different level. I punched him over and over again, I was outta control, I didn't know what I was doing, most of it was a blur

"What they hell is wrong with them?! Don't they know... its... I... why... it's not fair.... I was just..... 8..."

I fell to my knees. Blood dripping from my fists

"It's just not fair... I didn't do anything... he was...."

I cried, more like sobbing, as sans asked what was wrong with me

I tried to wiped away the tears, repeating the phrase,
'tears show your weakness'
It seemed like every time I wiped away a tear two more appeared

"It doesn't show your weakness, it shows how strong you are"

I looked up at sans

"Ummm.... it shows what you've been through, and what you have fought through to get where you are"

I hugged him, he was taken back, but hugged back.

"I was just 8, just a little girl"

"It's ok, I'm here, don't worry"

He patted my back as a little girl pop out from the hallway. Once she noticed me, she ran back in the room.

I wiped away my tears and got up, along with sans. We looted the place finding a map with pin points to places around the underground.

"These must be where they trade them"

I picked up the map and folded it, putting it in my pocket.

"Come on, we have to set the little monsters free"

We walked towards the room, finding the little girls cowering in a corner

"You guys are all ok, we came here to help you and get you out"
Once we got all the monster back to their home, we went home ourself.

"Long day wasn't it?"

"Yeah, I just want to go home and cuddle in a blanket and sleep in its warmth"

"Guess we'll go to alphys tomorrow...."

"Guess so, I'm too tiered to do anything"

We reached the house saying hi to papyrus and eating some of his spaghetti. I was beginning to trust these guys

"Hey, sans, the thermostat is broken"


"Me and frisk were playing guns and sticks when I shot it"

"We'll call someone tomorrow, did anyone get hurt?"


"Stop playing those games before someone does get hurt"

"So does that mean it's going to get cold at night?"

I asked, knowing the answer already


"Aw, man, I was hopping to be warm tonight..."

We finished eating the spaghetti and headed up stairs. The bed was ready for us as we slid under the covers and fell fast asleep






It was difficult to sleep, it's was too cold and sans kept pulling the cover. I got so tiered of it that I pulled the cover off him and cuddled next to him. He woke up by the sudden pull

"I'm cold, and you keep pulling the cover"

He turned around and hugged me. He was warm for a skeleton, so it was easy to sleep now

Lost In The Eyes Of The Enemy    [mafiatale Sans X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now