Chapter One

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"What the fuck! You shit bags, let me out!" I scream, pounding on the inside of the locker room door.


School was out since 2:45, but before leaving class my Spanish teacher ask me to help her out with a few things before I head home. So, I didn't get out until 3:20. Now I would really hear it from Nazz since I haven't message her about me being late. I quickly made my way down the hallways and began to take out my phone to call Nazz. Suddenly I felt multiple strong hands grab me, dragging me towards what I think is the boy's locker room. I was trying to escape, even though I know I won't be able to do so. Not even seconds later I was thrown into the locker room and watch as the door was slowly closing behind these two shit heads. The boys laugh, filling the whole locker room, echoing. They pick me up again. I close my eyes from the urging pain in my back and my head once I hit the lockers that cause my hat to fly couple of feet away from me. I went to grab it, but they step on my arm, making me wince. "Oh my. I'm so sorry!" a pause as the two boys look at each other. I looked up from what I could and they just kept talking. "Kevy it's been a week since we gotten together I bet you've been very lonely with just you and your two little friends." Jimmy said in apologetic tone, his smile turn into a fake frown but quickly went back to the huge smile.

Jimmy and Johnny. You would think childhood friends wouldn't change so much. They are now horrible people, doing terrible things to many others in this school and even people who are not in this school. Jimmy comes close to my face and I can smell and feel his nasty ass hot breath on my face. Oh, how I wanted to kick him in the balls, but I knew what would happen if I did. "Awh not forgiving us?" They begin to laugh again, impress to who they are. They really need to stop this shit. This should get boring after awhile, even with me being less and less active during these little beatings, right?

"I miss when our Kevy-Boo use to have a very surprised look on his face when he sees us" said Johnny with a pouty mouth that quickly turned into laughter. Finally Johnny lift his foot from my arm and I got back up, now sitting on my legs.

"Yeah what the fuck Kevy?' said Jimmy as he tilts his head towards the right. I just sit here, trembling staring at them as they look down at me like I was their prey. Not gonna lie, but most of the time I do get scared. I thought I'll eventually stop feeling the physical pain, which I did get use of it a little, but they did got stronger. That's not the only reason though...I hate lying to my father about my situation. I don't want to make a huge scene about the town bullies with known families.

After that was said Jimmy brought his foot up and strikes right into my stomach. I bend over and threw up. Well fuck go there goes my snack I had earlier today.

"HAHA AH SICK DUDE" Johnny yelled jumping up and down. I felt my hair being grabbed. Yelping as my face slam into my puke...and the ground. I was flat on the ground struggling to get up but that was a bad idea. Soon as I tried to lift myself up they kicked and kicked. Oh god now I'm in huge pain so I quickly wrap my arms around me and legs hug against my body, trying to block them hitting in my stomach region. I began to tear up, it hurt so much and makes me feel useless.

Freshmen year is when they began. First it was simple like just teasing, sophomore year things got harsher. Now things are even more hard. I guess you can say they tried to prepare me for this year still in the processing of preparing me for next year. I only have like 2 really close friends, with Nazz they don't touch her because I always try to protect her and take the beatings. Even that doesn't work, she goes home upset anyways knowing that I got hurt for her and that she wants something to be done, to stop them from hurting anybody, especially her friends. My other friend, Nat, They don't do anything to him. At the start of freshmen year, when he was new, the two boys would have tried to tease him because he hanged with the little "Nerds". He was always been good looking, social butterfly and tried out for our football team (which he made), so of course many people had befriended him at the school causing Jimmy and Johnny to back off.

"Oh, lookie here this faggot is crying!" I just noticed that I was truly crying, lightly from the pain.

"Well look at the time we gotta book, until next time Kevy-boo" laughing as they turn. I kept my head down then I hear shingles from where they were, shit they have the keys! They going to lock me in here! I yelp in pain as I try to stand up fast to try to get out before they lock me in. But with my luck I got the door slam in my face. I cringe when I heard them laughing on the other side of the door, listening the clicks of their shoes fading away.

"What the fuck! You shit bags, let me out!" I scream and pound on the door with my fist. More worry to get out rather than the pain in my whole body. Intimately, I stop pounding because I know it was just plain useless. Aha! Those stupid ass fuckers forgot there's other doors. I quickly walk towards the gym door, forgetting how hurt I was because I just want to go home. Locked. Without hesitation, I went quickly to the pool door. Smack! I fell to the ground hard of my butt. "AH FUCK!". I yell. Not wanting to touch my hair I didn't held my head from the pain. Tomorrow won't be pretty, days like this, never is.

"Watch your language". I heard a fairy deep male voice say. Wait.  

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