Chapter 8

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"See I told you that you'll get the job" Daniel had said leaning over the counter with a smile.

"Haha yeah....I hope I'll be become a good waiter, since I'm not fit enough for a cook" I said while I rub my head. Daniel walked away to greet a customer and left me alone at the counter, waiting for a few things.

Couple of seconds later the owner came out and gave me a red apon, a name tag and some papers that I have to fill out, telling me to wear a white shirt and black pants. I told my thanks and goodbye for I can get the things since my first day will be tomorrow. As I was walking out I accidentally bumped shoulders with some girl, I look back to apologize and it was Marie, locked arms with Eddward. I turn pale, stuttering as I said sorry. Marie giggle

"It all good sweetheart" and turned around. I notice that Eddward just kept walking without looking back with Marie. I continue my way out of the restaurants door and went on my bike. Why was I bumping into Eddward a lot lately? And why does he got a different vibe coming off of him since then? I shrug it off once again, just relieve that he don't cause me trouble.


School was finally over and ready for the weekend. On a friday night usually people go out and have some fun, but I will be at the diner, my first day at the job. I'm kinda nervous! My first job ever and I never thought to be a waiter at a small diner that I never heard of. I'm happy that I will be working with some people that I actually know and like. My mind slip into thinking of Daniel, what if he start to think I'm annoying and I don't want it to be awkward since that we be working at the same place and I wonder how me and Yolanda's relationship will go, I don't want her to think that same way later while working here.

I finally made it to work, ready to start. Daniel and Yolanda greeted me, happily like they always seem to be for the few days that I knew them so far. I spend the evening training and it was quite frustrating at first but then I got use of greeting the customers and getting quite familiar to the menu. The dinner closes at 9 so we start to do the closing stuff. While cleaning up our area on the floor, Daniel and Yolanda decided that we all should go bowling even inviting my friends.


My two best friends, Nazz and Nat got really close to Yolanda and Daniel, also making a few new friends with Daniel's friends. Since we actually hung out all weekend and even on my tuesday friends night out. My dad told me he was proud of me being close to other people and that I went out and got a job. Wanting me to keep up with school and to live as a kid while it last, I'm on the schedule for only Mondays Thursdays and Fridays, 4-9. Daniel and I got closer and closer making our relationship feel real on both ends. It only have been a few weeks since we have been together. For awhile now I haven't seen Jimmy and Johnny around, since I try my best to go out of my way for I don't have to bump into them.

Today...They have found me. It was lunch period and I didn't get out of class til 10 minutes after, because I was helping out a teacher. Once again I was struggling to get out of their arms being punched and kicked by the same jerks, that have been doing this to me for awhile now. They left me abandoned in the bathroom after they beat me up and Johnny pissed on my feet. I feel so disgusting, why did they dumb fucks have to do this to me! I try to use my strength to get up. Walking straight outside, making my way to my bike to get home. I don't even care if I get in trouble this is some crazy shit, I'm really sick of it. Suddenly my phone start to vibrate. It was Daniel, so I pick it up right away.

"Hey good- looking! How is your day going to far?" Daniel said sounded happy.

"I'm good" I said with fake smile like he could see it.

"Well that's good babe. I have favor to ask though"

"Oh okay, well it depends what kind of favor it is" I laugh.

"Can you take my shift tonight? My mom came to visit for my birthday and she wants to take me out to eat."

"Oh yeah sure! No problem, you have fun with you mom!"

"Okay thank you so much! I owe you one!" After that we said our goodbyes and that he'll call me later that night after 9. I continue my way home to tr to get cleaned up for I don't look too rough since I gotten beaten up pretty harshly.


I took a 30 minute nap and I gotten cleaned up. Looking in the mirror I wasn't rough looking anymore. I'm glad that the J's don't do anything to my face making it easier for me to hide what I have been through easier. It's finally the time to head out and make it to work. As I got there Yolanda was talking to one of the cooks, I only had met a couple of cooks and heard of the others employees that I don't work with. Yolanda turned around and greet me

"What's up Kevy! So you working for my brother today?" She said while walking towards me.

"Yeah I am, why don't you go out with them?" Once I said that Yolanda's face slightly dropped.

"Oh I didn't want to go, I rather work here instead." she reply. "Anyways I want you to meet one of our best cooks!" She regain her smile and grab my wrist to make sure that I follow her.

"Double D!" She yelled at the window....Wait....Double D? Eddward!? I haven't heard that name in long ass time. I got tense, feeling my hands get sweaty, does he really work here? Oh my lord, I hope...

"What do you want Yolanda".

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