Chapter 4

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 "Marie... You need to be quiet, you're too loud." I hissed at her real quick watching that smirk she always have.

"Let's go" and made a few steps, moments later Marie swung her arm, locking it with mine and continued walking.

"So, we are not going to eat here?" Marie pouted.

"I'll make something at my place" I look down at her and she look up and had a big smile plastered on her face.

"Oh goodie! I love your food! Way better than here."


"Woah, check that out! I think the big bad shark has a lady" Nat said loudly while his eyes got big. "And she's pretty Thick"

"Psh, bet she has no idea what she's getting into." with attitude. After Nazz had said that I looked back where they were at and I saw them arm's locked and laughing. They are cute together, are they actually together? Nazz had a disgusting face. "Hey why you care anyways if Edd has a girlfriend".

"Hey guys I think that's Mar--EEE!"

"Kevin, watch out!" Nazz had said loudly then smack! I just ran into someone. I felt scared... This person presence felt like a tall man. I was scared to look up but I must tell this person that I was sorry. "I... I'm Sor-.." I choked...Ugh.

"Oh no, it's okay dude..." A pause and I just stared at the ground afraid to look up. I stood there but eventually lift my head. His voice was soft and sounded friendly. I sighed in relief. They continued to walk ahead as Nazz quickly came to me.

"Kevin, are you okay" Nazz said while Nat just stood there and looked towards the men.

"Yeah, of course" I laughed out and I looked back too. Just about when we were going to continue to go on with our day. They guy who bumped in to be had stopped and he was turning around. As he turned he rubbed his chin with a smile and I notice that hesitated before he decided to walk toward us. He was about the same size as Nat, cherry lips, broad body wearing a red flannel and blue jeans. As he approaches his head went down and began talk.

"Hey...I know this is random and all.... But you're pretty cute and I was just wondering if you swing this way we should get to know each other" He finally looked at me and I saw his hazel sparkling eyes. I was frozen didn't know what to say. Then seconds later Nat came into view.

"Well Kevin here never had a girlfriend or even a boyfriend before. So, I'll give you his number because he might be interested. He never really experiments and thinks he's into both gender." Did this fucker really just said what I think I heard I said. I looked down at my feet in anger.

", yeah sure" He said and gave Nat his phone. Then this guy poked me in the head. I looked up.

"Kevin, by the way My name is Daniel. I'll text you later tonight. Is that okay?" he said with a smile.

"Yeah sure. Sorry this is all new to me.

"And he speaks" Nat laughed as he handed back Daniel's phone. Daniel awkwardly turns around and walked back to his friends who were waiting. Then I hit Nat


"It's okay Kevin we all know that you like men as much you do as girls. I'm just happy you can finally get out there" Nazz had said happily.  


Hey guys! I finally trying to get motivation to write again.  I know I had said this.  I suck a writing.  I want to add more ideas and make his more flowing.  Can some team up with me? I'll write like I always do and maybe just reread correct and add things to make it more flow and detailed.. Please message me if you want to work with me.....Anyways! Thanks for Reading ! ^^  

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