Chapter Part 12

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Nothing has not been too eventful this week and was now happy that it was the weekend and was happily fine with going into work. The sun was just rising up when I was doing my run while the birds were singing and everyone was still asleep. As I was finished I ate and slowly got ready for work. I love working at the small diner. Since it's small not many people go in and the regulars who do are kind and friendly and even know everyone works there. I like how they don't actually know me since they don't see me while I am not there. I am one of the cooks there and I just love to cook and am happy that people love me cooking. I love cooking for others and see how they want to taste it all the time. At the diner I put my own in the food that is on the menu but not too different from the other cooks because I do not need all the negativity here or to make myself anymore special from them.

The diner is like a family to me since my parents are never home since they are always traveling. I stay here because I need to finish school and I want to. I lived here since I was little and made very good friends at the cul-de-sac till some situations happened and we all grew apart. I don't want to think about that right now, I'm over it.

It's time to go to work, I like to get there early to organize things my way to work efficiently. It's Saturday so I will see Daniel and Yolanda. They are opening as well on the weekends. Hmmmm. Daniel and Yolanda. They are such yippy people and I love the energy that they bring to the place. They're something else. They are really nice to me and vice versa, but I know some of their secrets because we are close enough to know. At the same time they don't know much about me. We don't hang out too much outside of work, and never been to my house, but I have been there only a couple of times. Thinking of it. Kevin Barr works there now. And Yolanda seems to be excited for it. I have not seen Daniel yet, but I'm pretty sure that they are getting close since Kevin obviously worked for his shift, knowing that it was his birthday a couple of days ago. I wonder what Kevin's work schedule is? That day that we met at the diner, we didn't talk too much, other than orders that are needed that day. We did not say that we already knew each other. Yolanda was all over Kevin that day having a good time, but I stayed out of it because I did not want him to feel uncomfortable. I'm pretty sure that this is his first job and it's nice to see him smiling and having a good time with it.

As I was pulling out the driveway. I saw that a car was in Kevin's drive way that wasn't his dads' and I recognise it to be Daniel's. Wow. They are that close. I laugh to myself. Well that's kind of weird. Hmmmmmm


Should I ask Daniel about it when he gets to work? Yet again he would question about how I saw him and I don't like to get questioned too much. I'll see what I will do once I see him today. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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