Chapter 6

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 I was waiting on edge of my seat for the that last bell to ring. I'm excited to something after school and get to know a person and maybe finally get back into the game and date. I laugh to myself "Back in to the game" I was never in "The game" just stopped crushing on people. The bell rings and I quickly got up from my seat and went out. Dodging people left from right, hoping not to get into any problems with the football jocks, cheerleader, or the J's. Last night I wasn't so excited for the whole thing, but I don't know I had a whole different attitude since this morning. After making my way through the halls I finally got out of the school doors and hopped on my bike without any problems. It was a good day I had no problems at all I went to my classes with no troubles with anyone, which only happen every so often. Soon as I got home I went inside and decided to work on my homework for time to past.

Suddenly my phone had vibrated and of course I had to pick it up I don't really want to work on my homework anymore. When I pick it up I saw the time and whoa time actually went fast and it was about time to get ready and leave. Then I remember I had got a notification earlier, but didn't open cause I wanted no distractions from doing my homework. In other times I would love the distractions.

Daniel: Hey I was just wondering instead of us meeting up. Can I pick you up and take you to a different place that I love.

Um well I was kind of actually wishing for burger and fries at the Denny's since I really like their food. I sat here, pondering what I should say, few moments later I guess I would like to go anywhere he wants to go since he asked me first. There's always the next time. If I don't find any interest in Daniel and know there is not going to be another time I will go tomorrow with my friends.


Yeah, sure.~

~lol ok cool, so give me your address I'm leaving my place in about 20 minutes.

I gave him my address just as I got up to find out what to wear and must make it quick. I really don't want to wear my usual clothing. after all this is a little date. I want to at least look like I tried to look nicer than my regular school clothing. Wanting to dress different I went into the back on my closet and found some black slim fit jeans with one of my never wore dark blue button up shit with a dark gray sweater over it. I went into the bathroom to look in the mirror and fix up my hair before I set my hat back on. As I look at my finish touches I heard a car pull and I immediately thought of Daniel and walk to look out of the bathroom mirror to make sure. It was him I ultimately went downstairs grabbed my wallet, keys and phone from the kitchen where I left my homework. At that time, I felt my phone vibrate, I immediately checked my phone.


~I'm outside     

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