Untitled Part 11

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"Just what do you think you're going?"

I heard a familiar voice echoing down the hallway from my locker. I turned around and saw that it was Nat. I remember texting him and Nazz last night how I slept over the Daneil's house last night. But I have not texted them back after that because I have shut off my phone to keep it charged for the next day. In the morning Daneil had dropped me off at my house so I could change into different clothes. I did not even think to tell them anything else that I saw Edd and/or what had been done last night, but there was not much of what I did. As I was closing my locker after putting everything away Nat finally came up to me.

"Kevin, why have you not message me or Nazz back. We were worried about you" Nat said with a pouting lips.

"Dude I know for sure you guys were not even worried about me you guys just want to know if anything had happened" I reply back with no emotion shown with it. Nat starts glowing

"Pssh, yeah you're totally right my friend"

"Well nothing had happened, we just talked and watched a movie, but I wasn't so into the movie tho, so don't make me recall what movie I had seen." I said to him while we were walking to meet up with Nazz at our usual place. As we were walking that way he just won't shut up for more details but I just told him that I will say more once we get to Nazz cause I don't want to repeat everything that I say. So we just talked about how his night went. We got to NAzz and she was squealing around that I should have not shut off my phone and how they both needed to know every detail of that night, but it really wasn't that much. I end up saying some plain stuff then I start to feel my face heat up and my stomach turn a little bit. I had explained that Daneil did give me some of his clothes to sleep in. I think I'm really starting to like him even though we don't know much about each other. Cause when he squatted down towards his closet, his shirt went up a little and I saw the back of his waistline, it was attractive to see his skin, it looked silky, pale, soft. I wanted to imagine touching his skin, feel it. I want to know how it feels when I slowly slide my fingers across his back and possibly all over his body. As I watched him use his legs to bring himself up made it more attractive that he had muscle to bring himself up, he turned over while scratching the back of his neck, his shirt once again raised up a little bit still letting me see his skin. Then I heard his voice. I could tell he was getting tired especially when it was getting late.

His scratchy, hazily voice made me have goosebumps, it almost aroused me but we only just started talking. Why do we hang out and talk but he has not asked me out yet. Hm. I can wait, hopefully he's not just wasting my time, but maybe it's not a waste of time since this is my first. My mind is just everywhere of what is to do when I have never been through this before. I hated myself too much. I didn't even realize I puttin on the clothes when Daneil left to go downstairs to grab us water. Because my mind was everywhere at the moment, but once I noticed the smell the lingering off his clothes made me feel good, so it helped me stop overthinking. I look down of how the shirt that I was wearing was almost reaching to my knees and I just felt so small and cuddling and I was so happy, When I look at the sweats I was wearing it almost made me feel like I want to taller, have more muscles and just be a bigger person for I can hold people and make them feel small I how I like to feel sometimes.

As time passed and we were laying in bed we did not cuddle. We slept on opposite sides of the bed while the movie was playing in the background. Daneil ended up passing out while I was still up. The light of the tv still allowed me to see Daneil. He looked at peace while his mouth slightly opened allowing his sweet breath to be released from his body as it came back in. I noticed I was not breathing just for I can see if I can hear it. He turned on his side away from me and I just turned away as well hoping I fell asleep soon.

I just kept thinking about how I felt and how he looked while I was walking with Nat and Nazz till we separate ways. I have not explained how I felt and what I was thinking but I'm sure that they have noticed my mind was on something else. Theymainly kept quiet and were just talking about a show that we all usually watch together.

Unless...Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora