5 Players.

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5 players.

The shooter - The one who is known for her ability to shoot wherever, and whenever. She can drive it in, and she can shoot it from the outside. No ring, no board, jut straight in the basket. The one who is usually the crowd favorite, and the one who’s last name and jersey number will be remembered.

The defender - The monster, I could say. The one who can actually guard everyone, anyone at anytime. The one who has the hardest job, and the one who should be given the credit. Hands down to her agility, and without this player the other team will be cut loose crazy.

The great passer - The eye of the team. The one who has the vision. Redundant? Makes sense. The one who knows who to pass to. The one who can actually visualize what is the better option. Smart ass player, for fucking sake!

The heart - She may not be the best player on the floor. She may have flaws, big ass mistakes, and she may just hand of Gatorade or water. But she is determined to do her best, and still focus on everything. She doesn’t look at the small details, but tries to see the larger picture. She works hard and pushes herself to the limit. Aims high, steps up, and trains hard. This is the kind of player I look up to.

The leader - Not everyone can be one, but everyone can try to be one. She sums up the four. She’s the one with the biggest heart, best assists, great defending skills, and her shooting’s just crazy.

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