Sunday July 20th

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Hello Diary,
Today I visited my mother in the hospital, she looks worse then when I held her. Tubes all in her arms and mouth, her heartbeat is slow but steady enough to keep her alive, I began to sob as I knew she wasn't going to wake up out of this coma anytime soon, which now means I'll be sent to a foster family. I-I can't live there, only to know my mother is slowly dying in a hospital bed thanks to my father, why did he do this to us? He came back into our lives when we finally begun to forget him

The strangest thing happened today though, on my way out of the hospital I saw Rory, crying. I debated whether or not I should confront him, but I realised is this what's causing me to get bullied? But as I said before, if it's creating me sadness and him happiness I guess it's ok. We can never be truly happy unless we have a little sadness and hard times in our life, I mean come on everyone can agree that sometimes life is a bitch and you get bullied, but I'm looking from his point of view.

I never ended up confronting him

I had a dream about seeing my mother last night, that she'll hold me in her arms and kiss me back to reassurence, tell me it was ok even if it was not. But it was worst then I originally thought. Soon the dream turned into s nightmare as she lost her heartbeat and died in my arms, seriously what the fuck is wrong with my mind? Maybe the bullies have caused this upon me?

Ok for once I'm gonna talk about something new, gossip!! Did I really just say that? But turns out Allie- (Marcus girlfriend) broke up with him because of how much he bullied me!!as surprising as this is, maybe I'll finally make a friend? No more sitting alone at lunch tables fighting these bullies alone, yet alone fighting my newly suicidal thoughts that have come against me I was excited for this, but also scared that this means nothing and she was just protecting herself

It be 4am, better get some sleep thank you once again for letting me write down my feelings till next time
Goodnight xx

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