Just spreading the word

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Just spreading the word

Well there are a few things that we all have been through and the most common problem all of the children have to face is their neighbours or the relatives goody two shoes kid.

No matter how good you are or how different your streams, dreams and ambitions are you are always going to be compared and each time they come up with a new style and they strike when you least expect it.

And the neighbours should get blamed too as they are the root of this problem. No child would ever have to go through this torturous phase if the neighbours didn't judge us on the basis of our merit and how much we scored in boards and in degree courses.

Sometimes I feel that the only things the neighbours care about is "Where did you send your child for tution? Where is she studying now? What? She doesn't go to a tutor? How is she going to get distinction without tution?"

Really? Is it so hard for them to believe that some of us are smart enough to pass with a decent score without the help of any tutor? Besides unless you are failing your tests miserably, tuitions are just a waste of time and money.

There's already enough assignments left for school and if you have to add assignments for tutions of all the subjects that they are teaching you, when do you find time to study for yourself? Meanwhile you also have to remember the saying that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

All of the tution drama apart, we know that our parents always look out for us and we love them for that but there are a few exceptions who take it too far. They always keep an eye on their child, they even come to pick up and drop their children from the University! We know you are concerned for your child but let them learn how to travel on their own.

They also have a bunch of restrictions for their child and they are always studying. They don't watch tv, they don't use the internet, they rarely hangout with others after class and they are always in a hurry to get back home.

My advice for them is live a little, this time is not going to come back and you have no idea what you are missing out on. And children learn much better from their own mistakes. Its our time to be careless and reckless, it's time we make dumb mistakes on our own and learn, learn to laugh at ourselves and face life.

At some point we will have to be responsible and we won't have the option but we will have to leave everything behind. Its now or never, these memories will stay with us forever.

No matter where we end up, these moments will always make us laugh. So let go of these restrictions, break free, live a little. But at the same time know your limits and don't ever cross them.

Don't do things you are uncomfortable with under peer pressure and your friends won't force you to do something you are uncomfortable with.

Now getting back to the original topic, we don't like to be compared and everything is never as it seems. Sometimes the good kids you are comparing us with, they are the worst kind. You or their parents don't know what they are up to and no one is that good, they are just good at hiding. But very rarely some of them are actually that good and equally difficult to get along with.

So yeah that's all for todays update, have a nice day and go make your own mistakes when there's still time left.

P.S: I'm updating from mobile so I don't have any idea about the length and if you spot any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes feel free to point it out, I'll edit it later. :)

Happy reading!

And if you like what I write then please vote and comment. Whenever I see the number of reads going up but the number of votes and comments remain constant, it just makes me feel miserable and then I start thinking maybe it's because I'm a very bad writer and then I overthink everything and you know what I mean? So yeah I'll stop blabbering.

Bhalo theeko, tata.

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